Chapter Eight; Massage

Start from the beginning

Justin put his weight into his arms, pressing down on my back. Somehow it felt really good. I enjoyed it.

"If I hurt your back, tell me?" Justin hummed, "I really dont want to-"

"Its fine. It feels nice." I smiled, trying to stay awake at all this skin to skin rubbing.

I really think I'm gonna pass out from relaxation.

"Okay, good." Justin hummed, continuing his movements.

Oh god, just imagine what sex would feel like with him - wow that was incredibly too far fetched.

I shouldnt have such thoughts about the Prince.

He's still convinced I'm a servant, after all.


I sighed deeply as Justin and I stood at the doorstep of my home, cringing when I realized I had less than half an hour to have the house clean and dinner on the table.

My step-father is going to punish me severely.

Justin hummed with a grin, "So... about that deal?"

I smiled, rolling my eyes a little, "The massage was nice..."

"Please dont change the subject." Justin pouted, "I've been looking forward to a kiss all day."

"Is that so?" I asked, glancing up at Justin's guards.

Sylvester and Arnold watched carefully, only to make sure Justin was safe.

"Very so." Justin nodded, "But if you've changed your mind-"

"You can kiss me... but, can you by any chance get your guards not to stare?" I blushed, "Its awkward."

Justin snorted, looking back, "Turn around. Both of you."

Sylvester and Arnold grumbled in annoyance, but complied.

"There." Jason turned around, and as soon as he faced me, I leant forward, kissing him swiftly.

Justin was taken back at the sudden action, but was quick to kiss back, biting my bottom lip, making my knees buckle.

I laughed into his mouth, before gently pushing him back, "I have to go."

"But we're kissing." Justin whined softly.

"They'll be home soon." I said softly, "Sorry."

"Can I see you tomorrow?" Justin quickly asked, pouting.

"Probably not." I said, although its not like I could tell the prince what to do... he could do what he pleases.

But I doubt my step-father would be happy with it.

"The day after tomorrow?" Justin prompted, trying to force puppy dog eyes on me.

"Nah." I simply shook my head.

I couldnt exactly go out since my step-brothers would be around... they're not that bad, but they'd swoon over Justin as if he were prized meat.

They're obsessed with the prince.

Justin huffed, stomping his foot a little, "Well arent you a meanie."

"Are you seriously being childish?" I rose a brow.

"No. I'm just spoilt." Justin went all big eyes on me.

"Look, I'll try and sneak out in a few days... but I cant just leave whenever-"

"I'll knock on your door in three days. If you answer, we can sneak away, but if someone else answers... I'll come back again." Justin offered.

I smiled, shaking my head, "Maybe. I gotta go now. Bye."

"One more kiss?" Justin tilted his head.

Was he trying to force a cute side on me?

I laughed softly, "Oh alright."

We shared a quick, sweet kiss, and then finally decided to depart.

I pretty much shoved Justin off the porch since he wouldnt leave.

I was now panicked silently at the fact I had a whole house to clean, and dinner to prepare.

Less than ten minutes to do it all in too.

I rushed inside, running towards the kitchen.

Before I had the chance to panic even more, I stopped in my tracks.

On the counter was a fully prepared meal for everyone...

Meat fresh out of the oven and vegetables recently steamed.

Who the hell did all this? Now that I'm looking around more, the house seemed to be completely done.

Like, all my chores were complete... even things I was meant to fix.

I stood there like a gold fish, my mouth opening and closing.

Nobody was even in the house...

Thats really fucking creepy.

I was about to nervously leave kitchen, but a small note sitting beside the food caught my eye.

Er, okay then.

I walked closer, picking it up.

'Thanks for coming out on the date. I told you everything would be fine.


My heart may have melted just a little.

Justin did this?

Jason (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now