Chapter Twelve; Tired

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Maybe my emotions weren't screwed on right, maybe I was being weak and pathetic, maybe I let my thoughts get the best of me this morning.

Usually I'd be up and doing chores, but it was nearly midday and I hadnt left my bed.

Last night I got lost in my own thoughts about Justin and memories of my mother; and now I dont think I could physically get up.

I was sure that my step-father would be extremely pissed off with me, especially when he gets home at dinner time.

I wanted to get up and at least prepare that, but I couldnt.

I felt bedridden. Curling into myself as I stared blankly at the wall my bed was up against.

I'd been awake for hours, just being mind blank and basically lazy.

I wondered if Justin was okay, if he was alright with being ordered to marry someone - I hope that he's not crying anymore about it.

It hurts to see him like that.

I jolted a bit at the sound of my bedroom door opening, as well as two different people basically sitting on me.

"Are you sick? Are you dying?" Louis' voice asked, randomly putting a hand to my forehead.

I ignored the urge to roll my eyes at him, simply shaking my head.

My voice didn't want to work today either.

"Can you feel your toes?" Zayn asked, grabbing my big toe and squeezing it lightly.

I sighed, nodding.

Will they get out? I wanted to be pathetic in peace.

Louis climbed over me, humming, "He doesnt have a temperature, so it must be a depressed thing." He announced, forcing my lips into a smile with his fingers.

"Louis it wont help if you keep touching him." Zayn argued, pretty much lying down behind me.

Why did I ever think that taking a day to self loathe, that I would be alone in peace?

Louis and Zayn seem to have randomly decided to come check on me in a rather annoying way.

Louis grinned and laid down too, "So I guess we can all lay here all day until we figure out the cure to Jason's sadness?"

"Maybe he needs a puppy." Zayn hummed, "Animals cheer lots of people up.

I rolled my eyes at that, deciding I would just go back to sleep so I didnt have to put up with them talking.

"I dont think he wants a dog..." Louis hummed, "Oh, maybe he wants to cry?"

"Crying's good. I cry when they run out of my favorite Cologne." Zayn rolled closer, patting my shoulder.

"I dont want to cry. Go away." I blurted, feeling annoyed and uncomfortable.

"Ah, he speaks." Louis chuckled, "Why dont we cheer you up with the latest gossip?"

"I dont want to hear about your shopping experience, or how one of your friends is dating some stupid person with hairy toes." I argued softly, just wanting them to leave.

"Its about the prince!" Louis argued, "The Prince of Heathen is in town, right? And like, gossip says that Prince Justin is gonna announce their engagement."

Okay, thats it. That got to me. Why'd Louis have to mention it.

Oh god, how do I stop it from coming? I can feel it - no, god no.

A choked sob escaped my lips, and then it was downhill from there.

I was ugly crying. Like full on ugly crying with my dumb step-brothers laying beside me.

"Look what you did!" Zayn sat up, hitting Louis.

"What did I do!?" Louis shouted, and the both of them began slapping and hitting each other above me.

I could feel the snot building and overflowing with my tears coming down too. (I told you I was ugly crying)

Goddamn Justin for making me have fun and giving me gifts and making me feel special.

Goddamn myself for not telling hin I wasnt a servant.

Goddamn the Prince of Heathen for stealing the one boy I actually like.

Goddamn my step-brothers for being dumb.

Goddamn the King and Queen for forcing Justin to marry.

And goddamn my step-father for being an absolute -(excuse my disgusting language)- cünt.

Soon enough Zayn and Louis stopped beating each other, with Louis running out of the room to do whatever.

Zayn stayed behind to try and stop my tears.

I huccuped, hating myself for actually breaking in front of these idiots.

"Its okay, we wont make you clean! We'll let you lay down all day and relax and I'll give you food." Zayn rushed out, grabbing a handkerchief and cleaning up my snotty face.

Oh god, can I roll over and die yet?

"Please tell me whats wrong, Jason? You never cry!" Zayn frowned, leaning on me as he stared down at my face.

"Well I am now, leave me alone!" I snapped as more tears fell.

"I cant leave you alone, did you have a bad dream last night? Did you predict your own death? Did-"

"Goddamn it Zayn!" I shouted, sitting up, "Why cant you and Louis just help me for once? Why cant your stupid father stop treating me like crap!? Why cant Justin just tell his father no and not marry that stupid Prince! Why cant I be strong enough to ditch you all and tell Justin I love him, huh!?"

I laid it all out for Zayn, I just couldnt hold it back anymore. I was so angry and upset and he's lucky I havent hit him.

"J-Jason..." Zayn stuttered, not sure what to say. He was speechless.

"Why did my mother have to die and leave me with you three?" I blurter, more sobs escaping.

I was mentally drained and physically tired.

Author's note; Things are comingggggg the boook will have shit hit the fan soon, just you wait 😊☺😊😁

So what do ya think about Jason finally letting out some emotion? Especially in front of Zayn?! And a little in front of Louis.

I like Jason being strong, but this was just one of the walls falling

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