Chapter Eleven; Prince Of Heathen

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I sat at the table, my mouth tightly closed while everyone talked excitedly about the ball.

My father said we had to wait for our dinner guest to arrive before he had the food come out - but I truly wasnt hungry.

Just sitting in the dining hall with a bunch of rich and royal idiots talked about my future. Something I had no control over.

I just wanted to lay in bed and mope all day about how depressing it was.

"You know," Harry cleared his throat, sitting beside me, "I can tell when you're sad. You get these weird wrinkles beside your eyes, like you're trying to kill someone with a look."

"Maybe I am." I shrugged, "My life is as good as over."

"I wouldnt say that." Harry patted my shoulder, "You've got a lot of great things happening. You have a birthday ball, and I hear your sister and brother will be returning soon, isn't that lovely?"

"I love them, but I'm just not happy about this all Harry." I whispered, not wanting to cry in front of everyone, "I lost him."

"Lost who?" Harry frowned, "Is it... that boy? From the ball? The one you forced to go?"

I shrugged, "It doesn't matter, anyway... he doesn't feel the same." I mumbled.

I was sour, broken up about Jason turning me down like that. Even though its been four days since then.

If he said yes to me, I would have run away that minute. I wouldnt have second thoughts. I would leave with him.

It crushed my heart when he rejected me. God, I feel so stupid.

"It wasn't going to end up anywhere, anyway." Harry said quietly, "A servant-"

"I dont care; I dont want to talk about it anymore." I cut him off, looking over at my father.

He was on the other side of the room, talking with guests, and making his way slowly over to this table.

He soon stood beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "If I could have everyone's attention?" My father spoke loudly, making everyone go quiet as they looked at him.

Harry got up and walked away, leaving me to sit alone beside my father.

"Jason is turning eighteen in a little less than two weeks," he announced with a smile, "And it goes to show, as any proud father would say, that he has grown up strong and a perfect future king."

I cringed slightly, reaching over and grabbing a wine glass, not caring that I wasnt old enough for it yet.

I'd rather be drunk than sober right now.

"Before the ball, I decided to invite some friends over from neighbouring kingdoms to join us in these short weeks, as a vacation and a perfect chance for us all to bond." Dad smiled, raising his glass, "So I end this little speech with a thanks to connections, friendship, and the love of family. Please, eat." He rose his own wine glass, nodding his head.

The idiots cheered and clapped, before gulping their own drinks.

I want to puke on everyone.

My father then sat beside me, sipping his wine, "He's here."

I was already onto my second glass, cringing at the foul taste of red wine. Honestly, tastes gross.

"Who?" I asked, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"The Prince of Heathen. After dinner, I'll introduce you both." He simply smiled, "Things are looking up."

No, they arent, you old fool.

"Great." I mumbled.

If the Prince of Heathen is an asshole, I'm gonna kick him where the sun dont shine. I just dont care.


I stood there awkardly, holding my hand out for my future husband to shake.

The blonde haired boy slowly shook it, forcing a crooked smile, "Er, Prince Niall, um, you must be Prince Justin, yeah?" He sounded nervous.

"Yeah." I simply answered.

Our parents had left us to get friendly alone in my fathers study, making everything seem so much more weirder.

Niall took his hand back, looking me up and down, "So you're eighteen?"

"Not yet." I said quietly.

"Right." Niall swallowed, his hands nervously figiting, "Okay this is awkard," he admitted.

"Yeah. Extremely. We're meant to announce an engagement in a few weeks." I sighed, falling to sit on one of the reclining chairs.

"Tell me about it;" Niall grumbled, sitting down, "No offence, but I dont like being thrown into something."

"Do you honestly think I wanna marry someone I dont know?" I laughed a bit.

"I would hope not... you're good looking and probably a nice guy, but I'm not ready to marry someone I barely know." Niall admitted, "I cant believe our fathers are forcing this."

"I know. Its ridiculous. Its not fair." I nodded, agreeing with him.

He wasnt as bad as I first thought him to be, and he was very handsome and honest... I just wasnt attracted to him.

All I wanted was Jason.

I wonder if he misses me as much as I missed him.

"So, we better get to know one another... I dont want to marry a complete stranger." Niall smiled lightly, shrugging.

I nodded, "True... so tell me about yourself, Niall." I rose my brows, interested in what he has to tell me.

Author's Note; some of you may be wondering "Why are you updating so much woman?!"

And to answer that, here are my three reasons which may or may not be reasonable.

1. I have no life and writing this is great bc i can control everything (evilly laughs to myself - then stops bc im an idjit)

2. I have crazy af motivation because of all the fantastic feedback I'm getting (Silently cries to myself bc Im blessed)

3. My dumbass made y'all wait forever for updates, so I totally owe you 😀

So, next chapter Im just gonna do a characters ask idk why, I just occassionally like taking one chapter to do this. I promise not to do this again throughout the book, just this once I swear x

So drop your questions bellow for;







Mr. Tomlinson (step-father)

Sylvester & Arnold


King (Jeremy) & Queen (Patricia)

Me (just in case yall wanna roast me or bombard me w/ Q's about my dumbass)

Thanks for the support, you all have no idea how happy it makes me x

Jason (BoyxBoy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя