Im Just A Fan -One Direction Fan Fiction-

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Hello, Im Jasi, im 17 im a Directioner. Im In Love! I know i know im just another crazed fan to every non-directioner. I dont care though. I love them and i will go out of my way to be with them! I dont know what it is that makes me love them so much, Is it Harrys beautiful DIEING curls, or Nialls perfect laugh, maybe its Zayns non-lack to be vain, or Louis beautiful eyes, maybe it can even be Liams good guy to bad boy all the sudden. 

I have no life. I stated starring at the endless pictures of my boys on my Tumblr page. I also only have 2 followers, which in my shame consist of my parents. I rolled to the calender on my chair, October 11th, hm, i looked in the farther timeline, O.M.G! I just noticed how long away it is tell i go to their consert! 4 days!!!! "4 Days!" i sung to myself in my room while danceing around. 

The phone was ringing "Moments In Time Ill Find-" i picked it up and flipped it open and put it to my ear, "Hellllloooo" I said smileing. "Hun dinner is done come down stairs". I frownded. Its just mom. "UGH FINE!" See i dont like to eat, not just because im fat or something im farely skinny but because i dont like food. I KNOW I KNOW! Your not a Nialls girl then. But guess what i am! 

"So Mom did you notice how long away the concert is?" I asked starring at her. "No i have dont, how long is it in?" I sighed she never takes notice to my involement to One Direction. "Its in 4 days......" I laughed i dont know why. Maybe just because i can. She looked up from her texting. "Has your father bought you the plane tickets yet?" I looked down at my Pizza. Crap here comes more drama between them. "Uh, No he said you were going to..." i bit my life in frustration. "God i swear that man cant do a thing!" She yelled causeing me to flinch, my parents have been divorced for what, 3 years now. They are constant fighting. My Dad moved to the U.K another argument by mom to dad. 

I was done with dinner i was just hanging out with my Ipad in my hand going through my timeline when my mother walked in. She sighed. "Ok we have it all worked out." I smiled i dotn like when they fight. "So you will go to the U.K your father got you your own Hotel room because he has a new "girlfriend" and he knows how you feel like when you stay with him and his girlfriends then in 2 days after that you will go to your consert, well then you just call me and tell me when you want to come home" She sighed and smiled. "Alrighty!" I laughed. "Now your leaveing in 2 days. So tonight we are going to watch a movie and go shopping tommorw!" I smiled, i always go shopping before i go to dads. Its only cause to my parents EVERYTHING is a compition. Even who has the most money, my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a doctor. 

You may be wondering why im not going to school, well thats because im done with school. I know im 17 i should not be done, but i am. I was homeschooled and i didnt have breaks or summers like normal kids, and i dont have any friends either. But that dont mean i dont know how to act around people i do. I have my Tumblr, Quotev, Wattpad, and Facebook friends, all Directioners i must say!

Ok i know i act all crazzed about One Direction by myself but if i ever meet them then i would more than likely be VERY shy. "Honey, what do you wanna watch? Pitch Perfect or Taking Five?" Wow really mom? "IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION!" I yelled back. "Taking Five it is!" She yelled back i laughed. I walked to the coberd and took out the popcorn and i put it over the stove and it started poping withen minutes we had buttery smelly popcorn. Popcorn is probably my favorite food, well to you all its a snack. I walked into the living room and hoped on the couch and we watched the movie. 


The next morning i woke up to a screaming noise. "AHHH!" i yelled almost in sync of the other screaming noise. My neck was all canked up and my head was now hurting. "Well that woke you up didnt it?" I looked over to see mom with her phone and youtube on. "Ugh! What time is it?" I asked looking over to the TV. "Its 12:30 pm" Mom smiled, "Get up were leaveing in 20 minutes!" She yelled walking to the kitchen. I walked to my bedroom and opened up my closet, i have way to many cloths so i just decied with something simple (Elfit on side) and i walked out into the living room. CANT WAIT FOR THE DAY OF FUN SHOPPING! Sike. 


Watcha all think???????? I wrote quite a bit didnt i, well dont get used to it! XD


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