5. Mending Relationships....or Not

Start from the beginning

She shook her head. "He never came. Is something wrong?" She looked concerned.

"It's nothing serious," I smiled. "Goodbye, Mrs. Gordon!"

"See you again, sweetie."

I ran to my bike. "Okay," I said to myself. "If I were trying to avoid myself, where would I go? If I were Joey, where would I go?"

And then, the answer came. Joey was probably at a rooftop. He always liked being high up. It was quiet and peaceful. There was a rooftop at our school. He must have gone there.

I got on my bike and pedaled as fast as I could. Once I reached the school, I hopped off and ran into the building. There was no elevator, so I had to take the stairs. The door that led outside was unlocked. I opened it slightly.

"Joey?" I whispered. "You there?" I stepped outside. Cold wind met me. Brrr. It was freezing up here.

"Joey!" I called.

I found him sitting, leaning on the wall of the building. He was listening to music. I could hear it from several feet away. I walked over and sat down next to him. I pulled out one of his earphones.


"Sup, Nick?" He asked.

"You messed up."

"I know."

"You shouldn't have told everyone."

"I know."

"No, you should have told them from the first time."

"I know."

"Why were you drunk?"


I looked at him. "Joey. Look at me."

He turned his head.

"What's wrong?"

"I was tired of keeping secrets from my buddies," he sighed. "I got drunk because it was easier to talk that way."

"So, what happened?"

"They were mad at first, but they got over it."

"You weren't suspended?"

"They let me off the hook."


"You wanna get some ice cream?" I asked.

"Sure. Why not?"


"Chocolate chips, please," Joey ordered.

"And plain vanilla."

We got our ice cream and took a seat near the window. We people-watched for a bit. As I suspected, Joey made me laugh hysterically. I knew this would be better than when I came here alone. And now that everyone knew, I could comfortably talk to him like he was my best friend again.

"How about a sleepover?" I suggested. "This Friday, your place. We can watch a movie."

"A sleepover?"

"Yeah, like before. Your parents aren't going to be home, anyway."

He shrugged. "Why not?"


I told Maggie and Emma about my plans on Friday so they didn't have anything planned for me. At first, Maggie looked excited and told me how jealous she was. Then I reminded her that I was having a sleepover with my old best friend. I told her that it might help our relationship.

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