I know that Renée has been getting anxious about the career districts but she's only on Seven now. I told Annie I'd help her because Renée is Annie's favorite family member and I'm pretty sure that can be applied the other way around.

Renée and Annie remind me so much of each other. They are both so kind and have wonderful personalities but they don't look anything alike. Renée has dark tanned skin and Annie has pale skin. Annie's eyes are always green and Renée's hazel eyes go green only in the sunlight. Annie lives in her past with the games and Renée chooses to pretend like that point in her life didn't happen.

"Finn. Finnick. Odair!" Johanna shouts in my ear as she punches my shoulder.

"Ow! What?" I hiss as I see the Seven Victor smirk at me.

"You were off in your own world. Maybe Annie's rubbing off on you." Johanna tells me, still smirking.

"I was thinking." I mumble.

"About what? Which Capitol-lite you'll have an appointment with?" Johanna chuckles and I shoot her a glare.

"No. Now what do you want?" I demand as she hold a phone out to me.

"It's Preston." She tells me simply.

I furrow my eyebrows. What could he want? It's not like we talk to each other much but he could have done something stupid. Here goes nothing.

"Odair here." I say.

"Hey, it's Preston." The voice says from the other end.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm taking Bridget on a date tonight and I've got no ideas." He says with a sigh.

"She's more into simple gestures right? So just take her to a movie or something." I shrug even though he can't see me.

"Okay. Thanks." He tells me. "See ya later."

"See ya." I say before I hang up the phone.

That oblivious kid. You'd really think he'd know what to do for a date.



I'm in my room trying to figure out what to wear for tonight. I sift through everything but none of it seems appropriate. It's all either too casual or too formal. I give up! I'll just go for a cute slouchy button down sweater that's navy blue with white polkadots. I pull out a white spaghetti strap top with a pair of skinny jeans. I pick out pair of brown oxfords and my brown camel coat with it.

My makeup is already done so I throw on my clothes and grab my purse. I head out of my bedroom and almost run to the elevator when I see that I only have 2 minutes. The elevator ride to the Victors Lounge is quick so I walk over to where the victors are sitting and I sit on a couch next to Peyton.

"You look nice. Where are you going?" Peyton chirps.

"On a date." I say in a sing-song voice.

"Ah. You're dates here." Peyton says as she motions her head over to the elevator.

I see Preston in a pair of dark jeans and a white button down shirt that's untucked. He has his black coat slung over his shoulders and his his feet are clad in a pair of black hightop sneakers. He looks smart but casual and I must say that it is enticing.

I get up from my seat and wave to the adults before I catch up to Preston and we get back into the elevator. He kisses my cheek when the doors close and I slide my hand in his so that our fingers interlace. When the doors open on the lobby we make our way to a black car waiting for us out front. The whole ride there we never let each other's hand go as though we are afraid that if we do we will lose one another.

The car stops outside a movie theater. Preston only breaks our contact to opens the door and slide out of the seat and to holds the door for me to follow. We walk inside and Preston gets us tickets and two large popcorn buckets. He pulls me along to the ticket guy and he informs us of where to go. When we get to the theater we sit at the back row. By the time the movie has started no one has joined us so I put my feet up on the seat in front of me and get comfortable.

Throughout the movie I only half pay attention. I mostly watch Preston. I know its only been about fie months but he's definitely changed. He looks more grown up with a more defined jawline and the teeniest tiniest bit of stubble along his jaw. It's kind of... I don't know. Sexy?

I've missed him like crazy so I'm trying to soak in as much time with him as possible because I'm almost certain that next time we meet I'll be a tribute in the games. I don't care about thinking like that so I go back to observing my boyfriend.

Preston seems so engrossed in the movie that he doesn't notice me stare at him so I grab a piece of popcorn and flick it at his head. He jumps at the unexpected feeling and I laugh. He smirks at me and grabs a handful of popcorn and launches it at me as I giggle. I do the same back but I run down the row of seats to the top of the stairs. Preston tries to chase after me but what he doesn't know is that I'm a pretty good runner. We run all though the theater throwing popcorn at each other before Preston eventually catches up to me and grabs me by the waist. He pulls me into him and kisses my cheek as I giggle and smile. We had so much fun that we didn't even realise the movie had ended.

We both grabbed our stuff and he lead me out the door quickly before we get caught by the manager. Preston takes me to the all too familiar park. It seems like all the important parts in our relationship have happened here. When we officially started dating, the diner for our brunch which could be called date is across the street, and when he asked me to go on a date with him a few days ago.

I got so lost in my previous thoughts that I didn't notice where Preston was taking me until I really focused. I'm standing in front of a picnic blanket with a basket and two lit candles on it. Preston gestures for me to sit down as he also does and pulls out a dish that he uncovers to reveal a pot of a clear green soup. He dishes it up and we enjoy the silence as we eat.

I take a look at my surroundings and notice the Capitol-lites. Everyone thinks they are so different from those in the districts but I don't think so. Personally, I think they are just a little misguided; I think they just have a little more money and are used to different things so the games are a normal thing for them just as going to the Hob to trade is for the people of 12 and the hand-me-down clothes are the equivalent of their outrageous couture in normality. Capitol families are just misunderstood in my opinion.

"Ahem." Preston clears his throat which snaps my attention back. "I wanted to give you something to represent the love I have for you." Preston pulls out a black velvety box but I'm almost positive he wouldn't be proposing.

"You didn't have to." I tell him shyly but I smile at the sweetness.

"It's just a little something. I thought that we were a little young to get married but I don't want to lose you or let you slip away so I decided to give you a promise ring. It's something they did when Panem was America to tell the person that even though they aren't ready to et married they still want to." Preston shrugs shyly and opens the box to reveal a tear shaped blue gem with diamonds on the sides.

"It's beautiful." I whisper as he takes it out and puts it on my finger.

"Just like you." He smirks and I chuckle as I pull his shirt collar down so that I can kiss him.

Inevitable Fate- Hunger Games FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now