Chapter 2

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After living with Haymitch for about a week he got back into his old routine of drinking and not cleaning anything. I sort of deemed myself the responsible adult in our situation. Meaning I do the grocery shopping, the cleaning, the laundry, and the cooking. If Haymitch was left to cook for himself he would probably eat a piece of bread for dinner... I have no idea how he hadn't died of malnutrition in the past 14 years.

Tomorrow is the day of the reaping, which Haymitch is never sober for anyway but this year he is getting wasted because he received a letter from none other than President Coriolanus Snow. I can still see the printed words that I read from over my father's shoulder. I'm still trying to completely decipher the meaning.

Dear Mr. Abernathy,

How wonderful it is that after 14 years your beloved daughter Bridget has found you! I imagine you are ecstatic. I do hope you planned to bring her to the Capitol with you during the games this year.

I am writing to inform you that your daughter shall be accompanying you this year as I would love to see how much she resembles Lily. I hope it won't be any trouble for you to bring her although I doubt you would decline my meeting with Miss Bridget. Hm?

I hope to see the Abernathy 'duo' soon,

President Coriolanus Snow

As I had watched Haymitch's face go pale after reading that letter a few days ago, I started to wonder what the hidden meaning behind that letter that had my father so afraid was. I know that the President of Panem is this evil dictator that forces 24 children between the ages of twelve and eighteen to fight to the death every year, but what can he do that is worse than throwing someone into The Hunger Games?

I guess I'll find out...



It's the day of the reaping and Bridget and I have to go to the Justice Building. She has to sign in and line up with the other children her age waiting to find out if the odds will be in there favor. Ever since Snow sent me that letter I've been having nightmares that Bridget will be reaped. That is how Snow made it sound in his letter, 'I do hope you planned to bring her to the Capitol with you during the games this year.' Sick! That's what he is!

"Good luck kid." I tell Bridget as we reach the sign in desks.

"Thanks." She mumbles and walks away.

I watch her sign in and go to stand with her friend Willow Cob before I walk on the stage and take my place next to the district escort, Effie Trinket, who has Mayor Undersee on her other side. God I hate Effie. She's so stuck up and snotty! I can see the small wrinkles on her forehead as she frowns at the 'barbarisms' of District 12. Ugh. Go die in a hole you stupid bi-

My thoughts are interrupted by the mayor who gives his usual spiel about the dark days and what not. After he sits down Effie gets up and does whatever the hell she always does and ends with 'May the odds be ever in your favor' and struts over to the glass ball were Bridget's name is in (or at least supposed to be) 5 times. Three were because she has to and the other two are from tesserae when she lived in the seam.

I hold my breath. My heart beating fast for fear that my newly found daughter will be reaped.

Effie dips her hand in the reaping bowl and takes out a slip of paper and reads "Summer Cob".

The only clear thought I can form is:

It's not Bridget.



"Summer Cob" Effie states the name clearly.

I watch as all the color drains from the face of the grey-eyed, dark blonde girl I'm standing in front of. She is a seam girl even though she looks like she's from town. The only reason I know is because she's my best friend's older sister. It felt like she was my sister to sometimes.

"Oh!" I heard Willow breathe beside me as she slips to the floor. I catch her hand in time though. "I have to help her Bridget."

"No. She'd want you to stay here and help your mom. You can't help her by volunteering." I tell her.

Willow has decided to listen to me and so she starts to cry while Summer goes on stage and is introduced by Effie. After that Effie digs her hand in the boys' bowl and pulls out Harman Lock. He's a town kid for sure. His parents own the pharmacy. He might have a chance as he is 17 and has some muscle and is well fed. Well, for District 12 that is.

I watch as some Peacekeepers usher the two tributes into the Justice Building. Haymitch signals for me to go over to him but before I do Willow catches my arm. I will never forget the heart wrenching sorrow I can see in her tear filled grey seam eyes.

"Bridge! You have to convince your father to stay sober!" I start to tell her that it won't help but she cuts me off. "Please! She's the only sibling I have left and you know that!" She lost her younger brother to pneumonia last winter. "Besides anything will help even if it's just a sober Haymitch. I know my pleas are hopeless because 12 never makes it past the bloodbath but at least try to get him to help her! Please Bridget!"

I look at her. Both of us have tears streaking down our faces now. "I'll try. You know I love you both like sisters but as for Haymitch being sober... Old habits die-hard. That I have little control over. I'm so sorry Willow!" I hug her and tell her she needs to go and see Summer in the Justice Building and I need to catch up to Haymitch.

I run towards the train station where I can see Haymitch waiting for me. The day started out all sunny and bright but now I'm running through the pouring rain trying not to step in any mud puddles. So much for the odds being in my favor.



Poor Bridget. Summer is a year older than she and Willow and I know they were all really close. This is going to be absolute torture for her having to watch her best friend's sister contribute in these God forsaken Games! I need to at least try to stay sober to help her... but that bottle is looking so good right now. Damn these stupid games!

I watch as my daughter runs through the heavy rain towards the train station where I'm waiting for her. Watching her brings back a happier memory of when I came back from winning the 50th Hunger Games.

I can see Lily with the biggest smile plastered on her face. She's running towards me with a 'baby I missed you' look on her face. I don't think she cares that it's pouring down with rain and her shoes are getting soaked with mud as the puddles splash her feet as she runs through them. I can feel my face return that same look she has on hers as she runs into my arms. I catch her and kiss her like she will disappear in a second if I don't.

"Haymitch!" she breathes into my chest as I hug her.

"Lily! I missed you so much!" I tell her as I finally lean back to get a good look at her dazzling smile.

"I missed you more!" She teases with a playful look. I laugh while wondering what I'd do without her.

I sigh because now that bottle of whiskey is looking even better now than ever before. I need to suck it up because there will be several cameras in the Capitol wanting to get a glimpse of the father and daughter that go by the name of Abernathy. Oh the joy.

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