Bad Move.

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I won't deny it; I left my scarf behind on purpose. A cheesy RomCom move, I know, but I was curious to see what he would do.

I thought maybe he'd chase after me and we'd start a conversation in which proper introductions could be made, and I could compliment him because originally it really was just about coffee...

But no, he followed me home instead. I could feel the nape of my neck bristle even before our eyes met. He smiled that same mischievous smile and all I could do was awkwardly raise my cup.

I wa starting to understand all the warning signals blaring at me from day one. But I was too interested to-

No, bullshit; I was in too deep to turn back now.

"You make a great coffee!" I called out. My voice didn't come out as confident as I sounded inside.

"A great coffee, for a prized customer," he replied without breaking step. He spoke so quietly, but everything could be heard when he spoke to me. The warning bell started screeching at the twitch of his lips-

But warning me of what?

Wait, what kind of question is that?

Oh, maybe I really am too interested now...

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