Then to my surprise, Taron came out, eyes wide and jaw dropping.

"Damn Haven, you look amazing!" He said and then Merlin cleared his throat at him.

"Uh-I look beautiful miss." He said, his lips forming into a smirk.

"Why thank you..." I said, smiling and taking his arm in mine.

We walked out towards the jet, then departed shortly after.

When we got to our destination, I realized that it was a ball at Buckingham Palace.

"Wow." I said to myself, looking at all of the lavish décor once we got inside.

We spent the night dancing, drinking, and even meeting the queen herself. It was a rare occasion but I took it as something to cross off my bucket list.

Taron came over to me a while later and asked me to dance again, as a slow couples song started playing. He pulled me to the dance floor even though the thought of being the first couple to dance then was terrifying.

He put his hands firmly at my waist causing shivers down my spine, as I gently draped my arms over his shoulders as he led the way. I had no dancing experience whatsoever, and so I just looked at him the whole time, blocking out the mostly awed stares of others.

As it ended, Taron twirled me around and kissed me, taking me by surprise.

"You were great baby." He said as we sat down on one of the plush lounges.

"No you were, I just followed your lead..." I said chuckling.

After talking and getting more drinks, all of us recruits heard Merlin in our earpieces we had received before we got out of the jet.

"Okay recruits, your first test" He said and then clicked off.

We all looked around hesitantly, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.

A waitress then came by and handed us some champagne, and we gladly took it.

I downed mine a bit more slowly than the others, and I gradually began slipping into unconsciousness.

The last thing I saw was all 5 of us falling to the floor or on the lounge and I was slurring out for Taron to help.

I woke up groggy, with a terrible headache and I was in a dark, wet tunnel.

My heart rate began to quicken as I panicked and as I went to brush a stray hair out of my face, I realized I couldn't move either. My hands and feet were tied to the tracks.

Oh shit. I'm tied to fucking railroad tracks. I thought to myself.

I started yelling for help and then I saw a creepy man in a black trench coat calmly walking towards me, stopping just across from me.

"Hello miss Caldwell. I'm going to ask you a question, and you have to answer it truthfully or else." He said sternly.

"Um...Ok." I said. I was shaking with fear and I didn't know this man at all.

Kingsman: When Hearts Collide COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now