"She..uh..uhm...she..idk,i found her lying in the kitchen floor." She panicked.

"Calm down. She's gonna be fine." I said as i sat beside her.

"How are you so sure??" She said.

"I'm sure she will. She's a strong woman. We have to believe that she can." I said.

She nodded and wipe her tears away.

"What happened before she fainted." I asked.

"Well..i was watching my fav drama and then i heard a loud clanking sound and i found mom lying on the floor." She said.

"The..kitchen floor?" I said.

"Yes, the kitchen floor."

"Did you asked mom to cook anything?" I asked.

"Well..i did wished for a salad." she said.

I stood up and head to the kitchen.

I found her phone on the counter and a bag full of....onions??

Okay,problem solved.

Mom hates onions. She will faint everytime she looks at a fresh full onion. It's worse if she accidentally ate one of them. Mom's worse weakness is onions.

Why did she has to put onions in? It's fine if it has no onions on a salad. Nothing weird about that..

Or did she forgot she hates onions??

I mean..she never even get near onions anymore since shes a kid. Well,that was what she told me.

She's getting old,so i accept that she is forgetfull sometimes..

And i know how to wake her up.

I grabbed dads parfume. It smelled a bit like mix berries. Mom likes dad so much,so this would wake her up..hopefully.

I never tried this...

I ran downstairs and sprayed the parfume onto my wrist and get my wrist closer to moms nose.

Yep,she woke up.

"Jungkook?" She said.

I laughed.

"No. Mom,You fainted." I said.

She woke up.

"I smell onions." She said.

"I'll..just..give it to the neighbours." I said.

I grabbed the bag of onions and go to our neighbours house.

I pressed the doorbell.

They didn't open.

Then,i felt someone was watching me.

I looked behind and there was nobody.

I looked at the door to see someone,i flinched.

It was a woman. It was dark,the door wasn't open fully. You know when you locked the door from the inside with that hanging thingy and it just opened a bit but you can see their half eyes and stuff. Yeah,that was scary.

"Hello,ma'am. I would like to give this bag of onions. My mom just bought it. I'm a neighbour of yours." I smiled.

She smiled back.

"You shouldn't be out at this hour,little girl. It's dangerous." She said as she grabbed the bag from my hands.

Her hands are full of wrinkles.

I examine her eyes that shines because of the moon. It was red. As if she uses contact lenses.

"Thank you,ma'am. Have a nice nig--" she slammed the door.

That wasn't nice at all.

I got this feeling of someone staring again.

I looked around and finally ran to my house.

I locked the door.

Sis and mom were looking at me weirdly.

"I swear if our neighbour isn't a vampire,i don't know what our neighbour is." I said.

"Same. I'm not surprised if our neighbour isn't human either." Hara unnie said.

"You saw it?" I said.

She nodded.

"I saw her staring at me from the windows when i was throwing out the garbages. I can only see her red eyes. That's why i stopped throwing garbages." She said.

"And i thought you were just being a lazy potato." Mom said.

"And..not only i saw the creepy neighbour..but i felt like someone is watching me from afar." I said.

"Creepy stalker. I know right? It's hard living as the jeons family." Unnie said.

"No. I'm serious. It scares me. That's why i locked the door." I said.

"Go to sleep. I'm not surprised if you two got nightmares." Mom said.

We nodded.

We changed our clothes and go to sleep.

Jion's Pov.

Hyuna...i swear if you are aiming for my babies..i'll kill you.

Hyuna was..my bestfriend..until i said that we can't be friends anymore..why?because she is always on her phone with her boyfriend. I can't take her obsession for her boyfriend along with me. I just can't be used to her doing that.

Then she started to threatened me that she would kill my kids in the future when she sees and knows about it and nothing will stop her from doing it and blabla..

All because of a stupid broken friendship we had.

We were just friends for a week and you can tell how much of a nice 2 masked person she is when i started to call her a bestfriend even only for a week.

I sighed thinking about her.

I saw the news 3 years ago that she is a pedophile..she is lurking around theme parks and crowded places,sometimes quiet ones..she looked like an old woman..she is homeless now..she had killed 10 kids 3 years ago..probably a thousand now.

She was jailled only for 1 year and got released. She is probably still lurking around..and i have a feeling that she had met one of my kids.

I swear if she gets near my family. I will do anything to save my kids from her.

And worse if she ever gets her hands on jungkook.



So..hyuna is that old lady who tried to do something to Hana a while back in the theme park?!

Or is she not??

Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK BTS FANFIC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang