3. Hating Pickles and Hiding Nicole

Start from the beginning

I stood up. I looked at him, not sure if I should get mad at him or laugh it off.

"I don't know, Joe," I sighed. "I guess I just missed you." He obviously knew the birthday plans part was a lousy excuse.

I held out my hand, offering to help him up. He looked up at me and grabbed it. I saw a smug look in his face before I was pulled down.

"Ow," I groaned when I landed on top of him. "What the heck, Joe? Why would you do that?"

He laughed. "I really wish I got a picture. Your face was priceless!"

I hit his chest before getting up. "I'm never helping you again, jerk."

I left him laughing on the floor and went to the kitchen. I fixed up a special sandwich for him and set it on the table. He was sitting at the table by this time.

"Wow, am I dreaming?" Joey said in a playfully surprised voice. "Nicole Peterson fixing me breakfast? I don't see any pigs flying. What happened?"

I tried not to smirk. "Nothing," I said innocently. "I don't want my good friend starving now would I?"

Joey looked at me suspiciously. He examined his sandwich. I mocked hurt.

"What are you doing? Don't you know it's rude to check food someone makes for you like it has poison?"

He sniffed it. "Just eat it already!" I blurted out. "Or I'll eat it for you."

He still eyed me suspiciously, but he took a bite. I smiled. "Is it good?"

"When is Nutella not good?" Joey replied with his mouth full.

I smirked. When it's in a sandwich with the food you hate most, I thought. I watched until he took another bite.

"You know, it's kind of ironic that your new best friend's last name is Pickles when you hate the food of the same name."

"What are you--crunch!" he stopped took off the top piece of bread. I smothered my laughter. I had put a single pickle in the middle of the sandwich so he would eat it without a problem until he reached it.

He gave me an accusing look and I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out laughing.

"Nutella is the best until you eat it with a pickle!" I managed to say before laughing again.

"Why you sneaky little weasel," Joey got up and made his way around the table. I went to the other side, still laughing.

"Jo....Joey, you should have....seen the look on your face!" I ran to the family room and went around the couch, putting it between me and an angry Joey. "It was priceless!"

"When I catch you, Nicole, you are going to get it!"

I grabbed a cushion and threw it at him. It hit him right on the face. This only made me laugh even harder.

"Get back here, you!" Joey shouted after me with playful anger when I somehow got past him. I ran upstairs and into his room. I slammed the door just as he reached the top of the stairs. I managed to lock it before he could open it.

"I'm serious, Nicole!" He pounded on the door. "Unlock this door, right now!"

"You're never serious Joe! I'm not coming out!"

"Get out here and fight like a man!"


It got quiet after a few more minutes of pounding. I heard footsteps going down the stairs. Then silence. He probably gave up to watch TV or something. I pressed my ear to the door. Sure enough, I heard the television switch on.

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