Chapter 3: Rowan

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"Do you want my number for to stay in touch over summer and such?" Alec asked. He smiled softly and had a little bit of ginger stubble along his chin. It was kinda cute.

"Oh, yeah that would probably be useful." I nodded. I put my number into his phone and he did the same for mine. First name, Alec; last name, Ryans and company was Chem buddy. Good. He didn't put anything weird as his contact. I absoutely hated it when people did that. Especially when they are the only ones in your phone like that. I have some weird names for contacts, but that was my choice because they are inside jokes.

"Thanks," he said before walking off. I watched him walk away, (I have no idea why) and I saw him do a little victory fist pump in the air. Interesting.

Fourth and fifth period went by alright. Nothing overly exciting happened. It was just a typical first day. I was excited to do this. Final year before going off to a new school and starting life as an adult. Despite knowing it would be my last year, I still felt like a freshman. I would say "Last year..." and it would be four years ago now. That's terrifying. Although I'm ready to move on to the next chapter of my life, I also wasn't quite ready to let go of my childhood home. I had the Olympics coming up soon and I'm scared. What if I don't do well in the qualifiers?

The bell rang, dismissing us from fifth period.

Lunch. It was never very fun even if I got to go off campus all the time. Half of the seniors were going home right now but I chose sleeping time. I know I know, I'm irresponsible but hey, at least I'm not smoking pot or an alcoholic. Then again they all start at the fucking crack of dawn so I'm not missing much.

     "Ro!" Rylee called out to get my attention. "Let's get food." She said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to her car. Rylee had turned eighteen in May because her parents started her in school a bit late. They also wouldn't let her get a license until she was eighteen, which is probably a wise decision considering she's extremely hyper. I love Rylee, I really do, but she is absolutely insane.

     "I'll drive," I said as I pushed her keys back into her bag. I sighed at the disappointed look in my best friend's eyes. "Fine, you drive." I caved to those pleading eyes of hers. She flashed me her usual grin and pulled me over to her car. It was a beaten up rundown, silver honda from the 80s. She's had it for three months and it has already broken down five times. That was also why I didn't want her to drive. What if the car brokedown and we ended up being really late back to school?  I didn't want to be  late to my last class on the last day. It would look so bad.

     We decided on going to Joe's Crab Shack because they make really good fish tacos and the line wasn't long. Convient and tasty.

     "Ry," I said as we were in the middle of eating, "you've got grease dripping down your chin." Now, I like to think I am a nice person most of the time, but this sight was just too funny. I attempted to contain my laughter, as my friend used a napkin to clean her chin. She gave me a look of annoyance before rolling her eyes and smiling at me.

     "You are so childish," she said shaking her head at me. I winked at her in response, earning a bit of laughter.

     I checked my watch andd I'm pretty sure my eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Ry," I started, as I stood up from my seat, "we have go. It's nearly 12:45. Lunch ends in two minutes, which means we only have eight minutes until class starts!" I was panicking. Late to the last class on the final day of my senior year will look so bad to my dad.

     Rylee's eyes widened as she hurried up from her seat. We threw our trash away and dashed out the door. Rylee and I quickly got into the car; my friend put her keys into the ignition and tried to start the car up. It wouldn't start. Shit.

     "Seven minutes! Hurry!" I rushed after looking at my watch again. We only had five minutes to get back on campus. This was bad, very very bad. Finally the car started after about fifteen seconds. Rylee drove out of the parking lot and started back to school.

     It took us about four minutes to get back to school because we made all the lights. I am so glad her car didn't break down. That would've been a disaster. I dashed down from the parking lot as fast as I could in converse. I'm going to need some inserts for these shoes. My arches were killing me!

     I stepped through the door to my final class just as the bell rang. Maybe the Mr. Chalc won't notice? Who am I kidding, he always notices.

    "Miss Shi, you're late."


OOOOO, Rowan's in some deep shit. 

Anyways, vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter. I know it kinda seems like a one sided crush but worry not some shiz will go down soon I promise.

See you all later, BYE!


Question: does anyone watch simplynailogical on YouTube? She's really entertaining and I dont even do my nails!

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