Chapter 2: Alec

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Making my way downtown, I kid, I kid. Making my way to calc, I bump into Ylse, the nosiest human being ever. She gave me this kind of glare and we continued down our own separate paths. If I could just avoid her for the year that'd be great. I mean she isn't a bad person and I even hear she helps out at animal and homeless shelters every Friday and Sunday; she just loves gossip and is pretty close to Rylee Titan, Rowan's best friend. They are varsity lacrosse girls.

"Welcome, welcome," Mr. Garbin greeted. I'd heard he was an okay teacher but that he tended to drift off in the middle of class and I completely agree.

"Psst," a girl from behind me hissed. "Pass this up to Leo." She slid a note to my desk and pointed to the brunetter boy in front of me. I slid the note to his desk.

"Some girl asked me to give this to you," I explained when he gave me a quizzical look.

"Hey, aren't you that guy that likes Rowan Shi?" He asked as if it was his business. Now, I am an awful liar. If the fate of the entire fucking galaxy depended on me lying, everyone would be blown to bits. Poof! No more life and no more Milky Way Galaxy or chocolate bar because I am worse than Pinnochio when his nose grew.

"No?" I replied stupidly. "You're thinking of Alex Dagg. He graduated last year and dumped Rowan because he was going to Pratt University." My voice kept squeaking but I guess this guy wasn't too keen on hearing and just turned back to face the board.

     Calculus was alright and we simply went over this year's basics from pre-calculus, or math analysis as it's also referred to, to our last lesson from the previous week. The class was easy enough but I would much rather be in statistics. Pretty sure stats are more useful in life than calculus especially in business which I plan to major in. Well, I'll just go inbetween third and fourth period. I wonder if Rowan is took stats.

    Third period was when Rowan and I were TAs for AP chemistry. I made it to class really early because calculus was right next door. It ,took about two minutes for the second student to show up; it was Rowan Juliet Shi. Yes, I know her middle name. Her little brother was in the class I was the TA for last year. He was a really big nuisance to the teacher and never shut up about how crappy his sister treated him. Well, no shit Sherlock! You're kind of a dick-hole if you haven't noticed!

If you are unsure what TA stands for, it's teacher's assistant. Basically, a student from a previous year sits in the next year's class and helps the teacher hand papers out, staple things, run copies, etc. It was mainly a study hall though and Rowan and I just talked about English, AP studio and economics the whole year. It was pretty fun and my crush on her got much bigger.

     "Hi," Rowan said softly as she sat down beside me. "You the first one in class again?" I nodded, stunned that she would sit with me when the rest of the classroom is empty aside from the teacher. She runs a delicately experienced hand through her inky black hair and her hazel eyes were so complex that I couldn't decipher her thoughts. It was a beautiful place to get lost in. Every second felt like a minute and each minute was a thousand. The ringing bell snapped me from my thoughts and the class of hazards began. Most of the other students were juniors with sophomores scattered here and there.

     "Welcome to the last Friday of AP chemistry!" the teacher exclaimed excitedly. She was a slim average height woman with a bright red bob hair cut. "I hope you all had a wonderful here with me, but we aren't done yet!" The woman gave everyone a wide grin. I could tell she was one of those teachers that poured their heart into the subject. I glance to Rowan, who was doodling in her notebook.

     "Wow," I breathed, admiring her work.

     "No," she grumbled. "Don't look at it." Her arm defensively went over the doodle as she displayed her disatisfaction with a frown. I nodded and turned away.

    "I still thought it looked good," I mumbled under my breath, resting my chin on my textbook as I tuned my hearing to what Mrs. Adipode was explaining about the class final. Apparently because of a small explosion in fourth period, the final had to include a section on proper lab safety. Well, I tried. The echoing sounds of graphite against notebook resinated in my ear. Don't look, Alec. She doesn't want you too. I resist and keep from peeking at my aqquaintance's doodles.

     "Alright, I'm done blabbering. Get to your lab partner for our final lab! Everyone remember your safety googles! Someone nearly lost an eye this year!" She voiced happily. This meant that Rowan and I would need to protect ourselves. I smile to myself slightly. Unconsciously, I released a quiet laugh. Rowan turned her head at me and arched her eyebrow.

     "What was the all about?" She asked with a keen suspicion. She runs her hand through her smooth hair once more. The light splash of freckles on her nose became illuminated in the artificial lighting. I shake my head to notify her of what little importance it was. She turns back to the front and pays attention to Mrs. Adipode again, though our teacher had stopped speaking a while ago. I got up and scoured the storage room for extra safety goggles. Ooh the cool goggles! I grabbed the goggles that one could wear like glasses and handed a pair to Rowan.

"Thanks," she said with a nod and continued her doodling.

      The hour is soon over as the bell sounds the release from third period. Picking up my backpack, I chase after Rowan before she reaches the exit.

     "Wait," I wheezed placing a hand on her shoulder for support. The desk was probably twenty feet from the door. I am not in peak condition. I wonder how much longer until I'm ready.

     "What?" Rowan asks with a tone of being in a perplexed state. Her eyes were deep in thought and well calculated. She was not just another girl, she was a complex being that could probably kick my ass at any timed point.


Hello friends! I'm updating on a schedule. Are you proud? If only I could do that on my other books. Oh well. Let me know what you thought with a comment and or vote! Love ya!

-Hannah ♪(v^_^)v

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