Chapter Six

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I'm excited to finally share this chapter with you. It was a long time coming!

Also, for those inclined, I found the song "Colors" by Amos Lee to be quite fitting for the last part of this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The rain banged loudly against the windows as the thunderstorm raged on outside on this particular Friday night. Lexa lay in bed, her phone next to her head, but she was nowhere close to sleep. It was already one in the morning, but Clarke was still out. Usually by this time at night, Raven or Octavia would have texted her to let her know that they were with Clarke and that they would get her back soon, but she hadn't received a text from either of them that night. She was beginning to worry. After another half an hour passed with still no texts or calls, she grew tired of listening for sirens in the distance. She finally decided to call Raven.

Raven picked up on the fifth ring.

"Lexa?" Raven's groggy voice sounded through the phone. "What's going on?"

"Hello Raven. Are you with Clarke right now?" Lexa asked, even though she now already knew the answer.

"No, I'm not. She texted me earlier to go out to our usual bar, but I couldn't go tonight. Is everything okay?"

Lexa could hear shuffling on the other end as the other woman likely sat up in bed.

"No. I mean, yes, I think so. It's just that Clarke isn't home and I thought she was out with you or Octavia."

"O is out of town this weekend."

Lexa reflected on the new information. "I think she might still be at the bar by herself then. I'm going to go out to get her."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

Lexa heard lights being clicked on.

"No, Raven, it's okay. The bar's not very far from our place. I'm already dressed and ready to leave right now anyway," Lexa lied, not wanting to trouble Raven.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive. Sorry for waking you again."

"Okay, but you let me know if you guys need anything, okay? I could be there in 10 minutes."

"I will." Lexa paused a moment before adding, "Thank you, Raven. For everything."

The other woman looked at her phone screen which indicated that Lexa's call had disconnected. She wanted to go with her to get Clarke, to perhaps help mitigate the things that Clarke might do and say in her inebriated state, but she knew that this was something the two of them will have to face eventually. She reached over and turned off her dresser light and slid back down into her bed. Soon enough, she drifted off to sleep, unaware of how her two friends' lives would soon be changed forever.

Lexa didn't spend much time getting ready, throwing on jeans and a sweatshirt before pulling her hair back with a hair tie. Looking out the window at the pouring rain, she grabbed one of her heavier raincoats and was just about to put on her rainboots when she remembered something.

She walked back into her bedroom that she now occupied alone, and opened the top drawer of the dresser. She pulled out a wooden jewelry box, elegant in its simplicity, from one of the far corners of the drawer. She opened the box and carefully pulled out a silver chain necklace. She looked at the ring dangling from it, before reaching out and gently letting the ring rest in her palm.

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