"(y/n) are you alright?" asked Sebastian beside me.

"How? How did they-?" I gasped in horror. What if the female titan was associated with the master of Drossel? What if the colossal titan and armored titan are involved as well? What if they're done with destroying the life behind the walls? What if Erwin and the others are dead? What if what if what if came running through my head. Then Sebastian wrapped his arms around me, whispering into my ear but I didn't listen. Then I saw an image flash before my eyes. Eren being eaten by her, by the female titan.

"NO!!! EREN!!!" I shouted, straining against Sebastian's grip. "Eren can't die...if he dies...then everyone loses hope...the chance of winning..." I whimpered and slumped against Sebastian's arms.

"(y/n)?! (y/n), love, look at me. You're okay. Your home is safe, trust me," whispered Sebastian. I was waiting tears to spill from my eyes, but fast breathing was the only reaction.

"The female titan, the colossal titan, the armored titan...they're going to kill them. They're going to kill my family," I whispered, looking at the floor.

"No. (y/n) you're okay. Love, everything will be okay," whispered Sebastian as he cupped my eachs in his hands and turned my face to meet his gaze. "They're just images in your head," he spoke softly and kissed my forehead.

"Oh? Is that so?" I heard the voice of Drossel. "She will hurt the one she loves most."

What? I looked around and saw Elizabeth's body floating in the air with a battle axe in hand, and she aimed it at Ciel.

I then sprang into action. I pushed Sebastian out of the way and lunged towards Ciel.I wrapped my arms around him, my back facing Elizabeth. But before I could move us out of the way, I felt the axe plunge into my back. My eyes widened as I felt blood pooling in my mouth.

"(y/n)!! No!!" shouted Sebastian. I pushed Ciel out of the way and fell on my knees, spitting blood. I grunted when the axe cut off my right arm. I fell on my back and waited for the next hit, but it never came. Sebastian had taken the weapon out of Elizabeth's grasp. I needed to concentrate and regenerate. But I couldn't. I was afraid and I was thinking of everything that could possibly happen at home. But then I saw Grell cut Elizabeth. Then she passed out on the floor. That's when Sebastian rushed to my side.

"(y/n)? You're going to be-" I cut him off.

"Go. There's someone upstairs. I'll be fine, I'll live. Trust me. Just go, Sebastian before he gets away," I ground out. There was steam coming out of my wounds and the blood that spattered on the floor dissolved into steam as well.

"Are you insane? I'm not-"

"Ciel! Order him! I need you all to trust me. I'll be okay, I need you to leave," I gasped.

"Sebastian, this is an order. Go find out who's behind all this. Now," ordered Ciel.

I looked up at Sebastian's face, which was hovering over mine, and he grit his teeth in anger. "Yes, my lord." Then he disappeared, along with Ciel and Grell behind him. Then I closed my eyes and breathed in.

I could feel my arm growing back and the opening in my back was closing. I raised my arm and saw it there, but no skin, just muscle. Just a little more then, I thought and concentrated. Done, I thought and sat up cracking my back and stretching my arms.

"Perks of being a titan," I mumbled and stood up. I have to admit, once I lose a limb and it grows back it feels a bit stiff so I have to stretch it out. Then I thought of something. My ring. I looked around and found it where my arm was still...evaporating? I picked it up and placed it back on my thumb.

I looked behind me and saw some straw leading to another room. Probably Drossel. I decided to look around. I went to the same table I found the piece of hardened skin...but it wasn't there.

"What? How the hell is it not there?" I muttered and looked frantically in other places. Then Sebastian's words came into mind. They're just images in your head.

"It's not real ye know," I whirled around at the familiar voice. Undertaker stood at the door we had barged in from.

"That piece of hardened skin ye saw. The man after Ciel put it in your head," he said and approached me.

"Man after Ciel? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Someone is after Ciel, but I do not know whom it is. That's all I know. But I also know that they know about ye, everything about ye," he smiled.

"That means they know I'm-" I started.


"So are they trying to scare me? Is that what Sebastian meant about the images in my head?" I asked. Undertaker giggled and nodded. Oh. So the Female Titan isn't involved in any of this...But...

"Why haven't you told Ciel or Sebastian?"

"Because, it's not my place to tell them, it's yers. And I believe ye are very close to achieving that goal I told ye about." I smiled.

"I better be going, but don't tell anyone about this encounter, alright?" he asked. I nodded.

"And I was impressed by yer performance especially growing yer limbs back," he grinned and jumped out the window. I laughed softly.

"(y/n)?" I heard and a quiet gasp after. I turned around and saw Sebastian standing at the door.

"You're okay," he smiled and rushed towards me. Sebastian wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. He buried his face in the crook of my neck as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm so glad."

"But how?" he asked, pulling back slightly.

"If I told you...then you would hate me," I bit my lip and looked away. I then felt the soft material of his gloves beneath my chin and turned my face towards him. He smiled softly and chuckled softly.

"I could never hate you (y/n), quite the opposite really. But...if you do not wish to tell me...then I'm willing to wait." He slowly leaned in.

"What about Ciel?" I whispered and looked down at his lips.

"He's safe, he's with Grell and Pluto," he murmured, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I nodded and closed my eyes and leaned in as well, my heart beating like crazy and my knees feeling weak.

"BASSSSSYYYYYY!!!" I heard and someone came between me and Sebastian. Grell was latched onto Sebastian.

"It's time for our kiss!!" he said and leaned towards Sebastian. I smiled and looked down and placing a hand behind my neck and blushing.

"Young Master would you like me to avenge Madame Red?" said Sebastian as Ciel walked into the room with Elizabeth in his arms.

"On second thought, I'll be going now!" said Grell and jumped out the window.

"No not today. Let's just get Lizzy home. And (y/n)...I'm glad you're alive and...thank you," he mumbled the last part. I nodded. "But I won't even ask how your are alive since you won't tell us. Sebastian let's go." Sebastian looked at me and smiled, his eyes shining with emotions.

So I'm thinking about doing a oneshot package, besides this story, following these charaters as in titan reader x sebastian, so any requests I am all ears. HOWEVER, do not, I REPEAT DO NOT request reader to transform, since I have plans (author chan laughs evilly hahaha)JK but seriously any requests but that and lemons. No lemons since I do not know how to write them. ALSO, MESSAGE THEM TO ME DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT COMMENT PLEASE!! I AM BEGGING!! Thank you guys, love you!  

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