Lesson 3 : Social skills are always apart of the job

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I get Michael's medicine organized and I head downstairs. I pull my ponytail tight and come around a small corner seeing Michael  buttoning his jacket. Michaels hair was now straight and wavy which was unlike anything I was used to but as he adjusted the hair over his shoulder I see that it starts to curl when you get back towards the end. "Ready to go?" He asks me smiling, grabbing a black umbrella from the tall container next to the door. I nod and say, "Let's go." The outside was very bright but the land was nothing like his ranch. He held out his arm for me after opening the umbrella and resting it on his shoulders. I took his arm to be polite and we walked down a little stone path next to pond with ducks and many swans. "Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. I like to know who I'm working with." I nod and agree, smiling. "Are you married?" He asks me firstly and I look confused.

"No sir. I'm too busy with work for relationships."

He laughs and says, "Well someone as lovely as you has to have at least a boyfriend.." I shook my head again, "No all that stuff is just gonna have to wait a while." He nods and says,

"You're one of those independent ladies aren't you? You don't need a man.." He moves his head in the drama queen way giggling and I laugh "No no it's not that. But I was taught that there is nothing a man can do that a strong woman can't do for herself."

Michael nods, "I'm glad you think that way, women should learn to grow without a man's say so or help. Here let's sit.." He leads me to a small decorative stone bench, under a shady tree. He pulls in the umbrella closing it. He stands it up on its tip , resting his hands ontop. He looks up to the leaves of the tree and closes his eyes. "It's beautiful today.."

I smile and nod, "Do you take walks daily? would you like me to walk with you on a regular basis?" I ask soft

Michael smiles and nods, "I'd like that. I usually walk first thing after I'm done resting. " Michael moves hair from his face and his hands shook again as his fingers put the strands behind his shoulder. "Michael.."

I say soft, not wanting to ignore it anymore. "Yes?" He answers looking over at me. "Are you aware that sometimes your hands shake?"

He nods, "Yes, my physician says it's from my blood sugar levels of something to that nature."

I nod, "Yes, that's true. Do you need your blood sugar to be checked often? Do you struggle with that?" I ask and he hums thinking. "I'm not sure. But I know I have issues with blood pressure at times." I nod knowing that can also can cause tremors in the hands. "Well come on, it'll help your blood sugar if you got some food into you, let's go get something." I say standing and holding out my hand. He opens his umbrella and stands up taking my hand. We walk along and he takes my arm this time. He hums a tune and asks, "Would you make some tea when we get inside?" I smile and say "Yes sir." 

He chuckles,

"I'm not your employer. Don't call me sir....makes me sound like a dry ass..war veteran from Nam or something. You're polite though." I laugh loud and help him inside, he giggled along with me. 

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