Stop the bus [1]

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    Ajay and I have come to Kyat where we intend to spread our dear mothers' ashes. You see me and Ajay are not blood-related but his mother adopted me when we both were very young so, she practically raised me and became my mother.
    Some people who have met our mother say that she and I have the same fire and compassion in our eyes despite not being blood-related. Besides raising me I owe her and Ajay for the most important gift of all,
a family.
    So this brings us to now where I and my dear brother sit at a table of life and death with Kyat's most fearsome dictator,
Pagan min.
But let us take it back from the beginning of our journey, that damn bus...

(Flashback to earlier that morning)

     I sit half awake and half asleep in a crammed worn down bus heading into Kyat, apparently U.S airports are not allowed to enter Kyat as there is tension between 'The Golden path' and the dictator that runs Kyat So, this has lead to me and Ajay traveling for about 6+hours since boarded from the closest airlines can go.

   "Don't worry little sister were almost there," Ajay says in an attempt to comfort.

   I nod weakly and stare out of the small window of the bus when suddenly a little thieving monkey steals out passports.

   "Hey!" I yell, The monkey however just jumps towards a man and gives him our passports, the man checks, and tisks,
"Hm alright, Just Let me do the talking," he Says to reassure us to this unfamiliar place.
   Ajay just grabs back the passports and I glare back at the man.
All of a sudden the bus stops to a man talking to who I assume to be a soldier of some kind. Things take a dark turn however when two men behind me and Ajay take off running through the back entrance of the bus, Noises of gunshots fill my ears with loud shots of pain.

   "Oh god, what was that?!" I shriek

   "Get down Y/N!" Ajay says pushing my head down and shielding me from the gunfire.

The men outside speak in their language and yell for the passengers to get off the bus as they shoot some down only to fill me with more panic.

  One of the men grabs Me,
and Ajay looks just about ready to punch him in the face but, I give him the eyes that something like that would just end up getting us both killed so he retreats and the man grabs him as well as we exit through the back entrance.

   Ajay, the passport man, and I are all on our knees, the muddy ground staining our clothes. Ajay and I just look at each other sending signals of worry and comfort.
Then a helicopter lands just a few feet away from us and a man in a pink suit wearing a military coat and styled blond hair walks out obviously irritated.

"I distinctly remember saying stop the bus," he says menacingly walking towards one of the soldiers. The man scared avoids eye contact as The man speaks,

"Yes. stop the bus. Not shoot the bus." He continues,

"I'm very particular with my words.
Shoot" he says gesturing with his hands
"Do those words sound the same?" He glares.

"But it got out of control" the soldier mutters to defend himself frightened to bits.

"I'm sorry what did you say," the pink suit man says grabbing the guy with passive aggression,

  "It got out of control," he says once again More clearly, The pink suit guy calmly grabs something like a pen out from his jacket and says, "Got out of control?"

   Ajay and I look at each other and back at the scene.

   "I hate it when things get out of control," he says and jabs the guy in the neck with the pen, then pushing him to the ground and repeatedly stabbing him into a bloody mess.
The look of shock and fear is painted onto my expression,

     This man just killed him! What is he going to do with us!?

    I think in a state of panic but I remain as calm as I can and freeze when the man stops and says,

"And I got blood on my f**king shoes!" He hisses then stares at Ajay looking straight at him. He talks to the dead bloody corpse and says,

"At least there's a silver lining. You didn't completely f**k it up." He gets up and grabs Ajay with him, I stab daggers with my eyes at him, if looks could kill...

"Get up boy. I'd recognized those eyes anywhere..." He chuckles and hugs Ajay, I dare to speak but mustering up my courage, Fear and anger I say,

"Don't you Dare touch my brother!"

   The man looks toward me on the ground his eyes annoyed for a second before looking into my eyes and softening his expression.
"I didn't know she had two children! A daughter even... But those eyes...I see the resemblance." He smiles and picks me off the ground,
"Get up my dear." He hugs me softly and I stiff up. He then looks to the passport man on the ground.
  "And who's this? Hm? Is this your +1?" He bends down to the man and looks up to us,
  "The strong silent type. I like it!" He chuckles,
  One of the soldiers picks up the passport man and the pink suit man lightly places his hand on my solider to which I stiffen up,
   "I'm terribly embarrassed about all this. This was supposed to be very simple, but you know if you give food to monkeys they just throw their sh*t at each other." He then remembers something and hands over the bloody pen to Ajay,
   "Can you hold on to this for a moment?"
Then the man grabs something from his jacket,
"Just a moment...I want to get a little...picture. Right into the camera you two."
     He holds the phone out and pulls me and Ajay towards him. I'm so close to his chest that I can hear him breathing and my heart racing with fear and embarrassment from being this close to a guy.
   He smiles down at me below and looks up to the camera and clicks,
  "Awesome!" He says,

    I look at the photo for a brief second, if I was in any other situation than this I would have laughed at Ajay's confused expression.

    The man looks down at me still holding my shoulder and back up to poor Ajay and says,
   "Don't worry about a thing my dear," the bus in front of us catches on fire.

    "This will soon be behind us and we'll be off on our grand adventure!" I'm turned around to the helicopter looking down at the former soldiers' corpse.

   "Because I have cleared my calendar for you two!" He said excitedly, he lets go of my shoulder and walks in front walking backwards towards the helicopter,

    "Because You two and I are going to Tear Sh*t up!"

    He throws his hands in the air and I look towards Ajay's face with the same confused look before something is placed on my head, the last thing I see being black before I pass out.

    And this concludes the first part, I wish there were more pagan min X readers out there so I decided to make one! I'm going to have to rewatch a lot of the far cry 4 plot as I have forgotten a bit ¯\_()_/¯ but I'll make this story as I will changing it a bit but still with spirit of far cry! Excuse the typos if any Bye!

Far Cry 4: Pagan X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin