Chapter 22: PANDORA!

Start from the beginning

"What Mistake did you...wait Forced Haste?" Harry asked keeping his arm around Luna.

Pandora briefly giggled. "He speaks! I was starting to think you were a mute or something. Oh right um...Basically haste is the easier one to answer. I had to finish my spell on Luna in a rush since I was seconds away from my murder."

Luna quickly stood up with Harry pulled up by the arm around her shoulders. "Who did it mom. Who murdered you?" Luna hissed.

"I honestly don't know dear. It's hard to explain really. In my haste however I gave you too much magic. That is how you have these powers I've seen in visions. It is why your emotions and mind where damaged. You are losing those powers and fast but I have faith in you. I have faith that when the time comes you will do what's right. I never expected these powers to hurt you the way they have Luna. I'm sorry dear..."

Luna stood firm as she spoke. "It's OK mom, I don't regret the hardships. I will fulfill your mission."

"No Luna, not my mission. If you continue with this mission it is your mission. Don't do anything because of me. It is your choice to make and your life to live. It was never your choice. Choose to do this then do it for yourself and those you care about. In the end that is all that matters. Find your own happiness. Find your own love." Pandora implored.

"Then I will finish what you started mom. For the Muggles and Squibs." Luna stated, "Besides I have found love and happiness."

Pandora beamed, "I can see that. No need for introductions Harry, we have already met."

Harry remembered something Pandora said earlier. "You knew my mother?"

Pandora sighed. "Of course I did, we were in the same year at Hogwarts. Though we were in different houses we were both prodigies. We would both study together when she wasn't hanging around that shady, big-nosed kid.

"We were Best Friends Forever...until I left in the fifth year. You could say we drifted apart after that, but true friends are never truly far. We would send letters every so often and even visit each other on occasion."

Pandora's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Do you want me to tell you the tale of how you first met?"

Luna tilted her head to the side. "It was on the train when Ginny introduced..."

"Are you saying we met as...infants?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Maybe?" Pandora giggled, "Maybe...during one of my visits I brought my Little Luna with me. Harry wanted her toys she brought and levitated them by accidental magic. I recall Luna started to whack you on the head with her rattle which you in your lack of foresight forgot to levitate. It was hard to be a good parent that day it was so amusing."

Harry's face only made the Lovegood's break out into laughter. Luna started poking Harry in the chest. "That will teach you mean Mr. Potter...What happened next."

Pandora's smile vanished. "What happened next is legend. You see, that was the last time I saw her before that fabled Halloween. The Dark Lord killed Lily. It was quite remarkable that you survived child, that something as simple as love could stop a killing curse.

"I must admit I was...unsatisfied...with that answer. So I actually researched what happened that night and discovered the answer was simply...Love."

Harry raised an eyebrow "So the answer you weren't satisfied with was the answer you were satisfied with?"

Pandora looked between Harry and Luna and rubbed her nose like Filius did. "Interesting relationship love has with magic, it can save lives and end them just as quickly. It can do something as small as changing your Patronus, to something as large sealing a life dept. It affects you Luna, it affects you in ways you cannot even begin to imagine."

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