A Day of Recovery

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What is it now Sherlock?

Mycroft is being boring again.

You've literally been there less than five minutes. I'm sure you'll live.

Well it's Mycroft!! He annoys me more than Anderson and that's saying a lot. Remind me why I have to deal with this again

it's your own bloody fault Sherlock. So stop complaining, and you know damn well why you are there.

Seriously you'd think they would have gotten over that by now. It's not like I killed him.

You tied him to a tree and set his coat on fire!!!

Yes. Well, he tried to hurt you.

Sherlock, a lot of people try to hurt us. It's part of the job

I don't care. No one gets to touch you accept me from now on.

You're over reacting Sherlock. And besides, do you know how many people live in the city of London?!! There's no way to avoid direct contact with EVERYONE!! And you bloody well know it.

Yes, I see your point. You're absolutely right. Fine! I'll just have to cut off everyone's hands. That should solve this problem.

Don't you dare! I swear I will hate you for the rest of my life.

You could never hate me and you know it John. No matter what I do, you'll always be there. That's why I love you.

Five minutes later

Aww. Come on John, don't go all silent on me now. I made you blush didn't I? Oh of course I did.  That's why you are ignoring me. You're such a stickler for all the romance stuff.

Shut up

But seriously John, I was texting to sort of, check up on you.  Are you feeling okay? That idiot got you pretty bad you know. You're supposed to be in bed resting for the next three weeks at least.

Yes yes. I know. I'm fine Sherlock. The pain medicine is in affect so I don't feel any pain, and I'm laying in bed as we speak. See, perfectly fine.

Actually, you are in the kitchen right now, trying to make yourself some tea. Judging by the way your body is shaking and the way your eyebrows are knit together, I'd say the medicine isn't working very well at all and the pain is excruciating.

How did you even......Are you seriously reading people through text message now?!!

Possibly. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm standing behind you.

John slowly turned around, holding his bruised stomach in pain. Those piercing grey/blue eyes immediately met with John's and for a moment, all the pain disappeared.

"H-how?!....when did-why..." John stuttered in confusion, earning a playful grin from the genius before him.

"Mycroft let me leave early. It was simply a mutual agreement that we couldn't leave you alone in the flat for too long. To bloody stubborn to ask for help, so you'd probably end up hurting yourself. Guess my hunch was right." Sherlock rambled, glancing down at John with worry in his eyes.

"I told you I'm fine." John tried to sound tough and hide the fact that the pain was overwhelming, but Sherlock instantly caught the slight quiver in The short man's voice. Without hesitation, Sherlock gently grabbed a hold of John's wrist and pulled him a little closer to himself. John stumbled forward and winced in pain when he collided against the tall genius.

"John, You're injured. You need to lay down. Let me take care of you please." Sherlock whispered soothingly.

"You always take care of me Sherlock. I'm not helpless you know." John mumbled almost to quietly to hear, but nothing gets past Sherlock.

"You were kidnapped, beaten within the inch of your life, and then shot John. There is nothing wrong with needing help after something like that." Sherlock exclaimed, lifting John into his arms bridal style and carrying him into his room.

"It wasn't as bad as you make it out to be."

"Oh really? So you enjoy getting your head bashed in?" Sherlock asked sarcastically. John mumbled to himself angrily but said nothing to the man carrying.  He figured the silent treatment would work best on the genius,  but all it actually  did was prove to sherlock just how adorable John is when he's angry.

"Pouting won't make me change my mind. " Sherlock chuckled softly, earning a light smile from the other.

"Now be honest with me John. How do you feel right now?"  he asked worriedly as he laid John down on the soft bed. Sherlock crawled under the blankets beside him and pulled John's small body to his chest. To tired to resist against The genius, John snuggled closer, burying his face into Sherlock's chest.

"My stomach hurts really bad. But other than that i'm fine. I promise." John whispered,  melting into Sherlock's embrace. The genius sighed softly and closed his eyes.  The two stayed together the rest of the night,  locked in each others embrace.

A/N: so there you have it. You guys wanted some fanfictions and fluffiness so you shall recieve.  I will try to make more johnlock every Tuesday, but I am also currently working on a Destiel fanfic thats going to be long and amazing.  So if i miss updates im sorry please bare with me. 

Anywhore don't forget to abuse that smexy little like and comment button.  They like it rough.  Tell me what you guys think and if you have any suggestions pm me

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