10 -Be loyal

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chap 10

The door to room eleven opened just as Tsuki's fist swung down. Completely caught off-guard, her hand fell forward uselessly as she gasped. How had he known she was even there? 

"Er...I'm here to show you guys around." Tsuki smiled quickly regaining her composure.

"Shiro's hungry! Can we get some food first?''

"Sure, some stalls should already be open."

The three traversed their way to the canteen and ate as Tsuki explained to them what it meant to be in a fraction.

"Every fraction works differently. Calm feuer has a few rules, just follow them and you will have no trouble. First, you may not kill any member without a valid reason and even then, permission must be granted by boss. Second, you must be loyal to calm feuer and donate to the faction every month. Third, you must help when boss orders you to. While you are with us, no one would be stupid enough to harm you but if you go off instigating a fight, you will take responsibility by yourself. Lastly, follow the rules."

"Heh...i guess you all aren't such idiots. I really thought you were idiots who protected everyone. Looks like i was wrong."

"Shiro doesn't really have any problems! Your faction has been nice to Shiro so far."

"Is that so? Then are you ready? It's time for you to meet boss."


The boss was a large man. Well, large would probably be an understatement. He was twice the size of Shiro and was very muscular. His hair was a fiery red which was sticking up and swept to the back as if by a untangible wind. Despite this, he was a rather friendly man who welcomed Kuro and Shiro into the faction.

"Shiro! I heard you liked sweets so I took the liberty of ordering some sweets for you! As for you, Kuro, i have no idea wha you like but since you ordered water last time, here's some water!"

The room in contrast to the man's personality was vastly different. With black sleek walls and furniture one would expect from a hotel, it was a wonder how the loud and boisterious man worked here. 

"By the way Shiro, Kuro, if you ever want a bigger place, tell me. I'll get Tsuki to introduce you to some places you can rent. Then you can change the room however you like. It won't be as puny as the current one!" Boss laughed.

"Well, you guys are free to do whatever you want but you have to participate in the games if i tell you to, got it?" It wasn't a question, it was an order.

"I got it. We'll listen to you, in return, you don't have any say in our actions outside of the faction. Don't worry, we have no intention of breaking your rules. That will only create problems for us."

"That's fine. Just remember, don't betray us."


The month passed by quickly with Kuro and Shiro battling regularly in order to keep up with Shiro's eating habits. They both moved to a new apartment where everything was symmetrical and opposite. If the desk was white on one side, the other would be black. The two were quite rich as they progressed through and made a name for themselves by never losing a single battle. They were the opposite twins, the undefeated.

Today, they decided to do something different. It was different because Tsuki was going to fight. All this time, they never knew what she could do yet she had obviously been here for a long time since she knew the place very well. 

"Onii-chan, where was Tsuki onee-chan going to fight again?''

"Stage twenty. It seems like there's going to be a lot of people there. Let's hurry."

The crowd parted as they saw the twins and the siblings got there relatively quickly. Tsuki was already on the stage as she faced her opponent. It was a blonde woman who wore a white dress.

She ran forward screaming as she delivered a series of quick jabs at Tsuki. Tsuki quickly retreated as she repeatedly dodged her strikes. Then she waved her arms at her side as water moved in ripples at first before slowly rising. She began her attack then, with her water blades which reformed when destroyed by the blonde. Quickly realising that close combat was useless, the blonde retrated and reached for the water laying at their feet. Her eyes flashed before a current rushed through the water. Lightning. That was the power of the blonde.

She screamed and fell.

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