09 -Calm Feuer

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chap 9

Tsuki sighed as she stared at the little girl right in front of. The very one who was responsible for her points getting eaten up. Shiro was oblivious to Tsuki's stares as she skipped her way around the area. As always, her brother was not too far away, ready in case something happened. She was sucking on sweets again as Tsuki lead them to the base of her faction.

"Tsuki." Kuro whispered in a monotone. "What is your faction called?"

"That's right! That was what was bothering Shiro! Shiro didn't know what the faction was called! Onii-chan, thank you! So, Tsuki onee-chan, what's the name?

"Oh, we are the- Oh, we're already here."

"Tsuki, you actually recruited them?"

"Of course! Who do you think i am? You bastard fox!"

"Don't be so angry. So, the opposite twins, huh? Kuro and Shiro, was it?" The man peeped from behind his shades. "Welcome to calm feuer. Nice to meet you! I'm Kitsune! You newbies sure are young and as the rumors say, black and white."

"Onii-san...That old man...looks fun." Shiro whispered. "Kitsune-jiji! I'm Shiro! Shiro loves candy! Do you have any?"

"Hmm...so you're Shiro. Then the one behind you must be Kuro. Sorry but i don't have any candy."

Shiro pouted as she took out her last sweet and started eating. She took in the room quickly. It was fairly dark with curtains covering what she assumed to be windows. It looked old or very traditional at least, like one of those old bars. The dim lighting only added to the ambience but Shiro could see some amenments had been made like how furniture had been re-arranged to accomodate some sofas.

"Would you like some drinks?" The bartenter behind the counter inquired."As long as you are part of this faction and continue to contribute to us, this place is free for your use, Kuro-sama, Shiro-sama."

"Shiro wants something sweet! Ne, mister! Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, Shiro-sama. You just asked me a question but alright. Kuro-sama, would you like anything as well?" The bartender asked as he turned around to get Shiro's drink.

"I'll have some water."

"Yes, Kuro-sama"

"Shiro was wondering. Why does mister have an eyepatch? Did something happen?"

"Here's your drinks, Kuro-sama, Shiro-sama. This eyepatch? Hmm...that would be a story for another time. Drink up, I'm sure Tsuki-sama would like to show you guys around. Have fun."

"Thank you, mister!"

"My, you have such good manners. Well, run along. Tsuki-sama must be getting impatient already."


Tsuki was currently showing the siblings the faction base. "Every faction works differently, the bar just now is the enterance into our base. Calm feuer has rooms prepared for newbies like you. It's up to you if you want to use it or not. Come on, this is yours. Room eleven." Tsuki explained.

It was a small, modest room with two beds, a simple table a closet and a bathroom.

"Okay,I'll leave you two to settle in. If you need anything, ask Kitsune or the bartender, they'll be able to help. See you guys tomorrow!" With that, Tsuki slammed the door in their faces.

The twins immidiately went to work by sweeping the room for any bugs or listening devices. There were none. Next came rearranging the furniture. They ended up with the two beds linked together with the closet on one side of the room and the table on the other.

"Onii-chan, Shiro's sleepy " The little girl yawned. All that running about had made her tired as she clambered up the beds taking the left side. Kuro simply sighed and joined his beloved younger sister as she cuddled up to him and slept.

"Sleep Shiro. I'll protect you." The raven-haired boy promised.


A/N: The name of the faction calm feuer means calm fire in german. I do not know how to speak this language but if you do, i would greatly appreciate if you would tell me how to pronounce it, until next time.

Pingu out~

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