"Well, that's great. Finally, you'll have a vacation."

"Damn vacation. I was negotiating with the Japanese investors for our expansion in Asia, and because of what you guys did, we postponed our contract signing."

"I'll make it up to you. Cheer up! We'll have a good time at the beach. I have a new high-powered jet ski, you will love it. I'll tell Nicole that you're coming. She's managing the hotel where Natalie is having their photoshoot right now."

"Well, that's good to hear. I'm excited to see Nicole."

"I'm sure she is, too." Rafael answered.

Nicole was Rafael's younger sister. Lucas and Nicole used to hang out often when they were kids because they had the same personality—introverted, nerdy, and enjoyed music. Lucas was glad that she was managing their hotel already. It had been her dream since they were kids.

"You can stay in the hotel if you like. Natalie and the rest of her team are booked for a week. So, can I tell Nicole to reserve the presidential suite for you?"

"Yeah, give me the king's treatment or else I'll kill you for making this mess."

"No, you won't." Rafael chuckled. "Natalie will be very happy to see you. Are you flying in your private jet?"

"Yes. The one I bought from you last year."

"Great. I have a new one here. Maybe you can check it out."

"Okay sure."

"So, I'll have my driver pick you up at the airport?"

"Yes, do that."


Later that evening, Lucas got out of his private jet at Valiente's private airport. He looked more like a bad boy in his leather black jacket, white plain shirt, and faded jeans rather than a corporate businessman.

He was surprised to see Rafael leaning on his Lamborghini Reventon, waiting for him.

"Hey, I wasn't serious when I said I wanted a king's treatment."

Rafael forced a smile, afraid that his lip would bleed again. Then they hugged each other.

"You look like hell. Dad must have punched you so hard. You should see a doctor, that lip needs stitches."

"No, it's okay. I'll survive." Rafael replied, trying not to talk too much.

"Has Natalie seen that?"

"Not yet. I haven't told her yet."

"She will be furious Dad damaged your face." Lucas laughed richly.

"Don't make me laugh, this still hurts." Rafael complained.

"Why are you here? I thought your driver will fetch me."

"Yeah, but I have an important thing to tell you that couldn't wait."

Lucas smiled, curious what it was. "Oh, what about?"

"About Samantha Miller. She's here."

Lucas' eyes immediately darkened with intense anger. The thought of seeing her again brought turmoil in his whole being.

"Nicole told me that Samantha Miller checked in this afternoon for a week. The Miss Universe foundation booked the hotel's ballroom tomorrow for a fundraising event."

Lucas was brooding. His mind was nowhere. He still could not forget how he was embarrassed and betrayed by Samantha. Although it was four years ago, the wound was still there. It seemed like it just happened yesterday.

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by Neilani Alejandrino
All Samantha is asking for from Lucas is to forgive her for ruining h...
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