Chapter 10

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{2 months later}

My baby bump is getting bigger.. Mark is getting busier... My mom and dad are always by my side and I'm glad they are..

{4 months later}

Okay now my baby bump has grown bigger than last time...

"Jagiyaaaa!" Mark yelled and closed the door

"Yes?" I said and he gave me a peck on the lips

"So.. I've been thinking.. What if the baby's a boy! Let's name it... Jay Tuan?" He said happily

"Aissshhh, what if it's a girl?" I replied

"Then we can name it... Diamond Tuan?" He said and smiled

"Alright. Deal." I said and hugged him, while he hugged me back.

{3 months later}

"Marrrrrkkk!!" I yelled feeling the baby kick me.. It's been 9 months and I was supposed to be due last week! But this baby is so stubborn! I'm in the hospital bed ready to give birth any second...

"Where's MARK!!" I yelled at my parents the looked shocked, not scared but shock because I was having there first grandchild

"Wendy honey. We'll get Mark!" Said Eomma and ran outside leaving my dad..

"It's gonna be okay my beautiful daughter." Appa said and held my hands

I than screamed, okay this baby wants out now!

"Okay sir! We need you out right now she's going into labor!" The doctor said and did as he was told

"where is my HUSBAND!" I yelled and panted

Then my husband ran right into the room

"RIGHT HERE!" He said and the nurse gave him a gown to wear

"Now Mrs.Tuan.. We need you to push on the count of 3 okay.." The doctor said while Mark was holding my hand

"One... Two.. Three! Push!" The doctor said

I pushed and kept on pushing

"OH! The baby is coming!!" Said a nurse

Right now.. Me and Mark don't know what the baby's gender is.. We wanted it to be a surprise..

"Keep pushing jagiya!" Mark said and I squeezed his hands

I than push one last time and I heard crying.. The nurse handed me my baby.. It was a boy...

"A boy!" Mark said happily and a tear appeared on his face

"He's adorable." I said and cooed

"Now.. What's the baby's name?" Asked the nurse

"Jay.. Tuan..." Me and Mark said at the same time

{Few years later}

Jay has just turned 4 and he looks just like his handsome daddy..

We also had another boy and another girl..

The girl was named Diamond and the boy was named Asher... Asher is 1 while diamond is 2 yup.. Mark wanted a few more so we got them..

"Asher!!" Mark said and played with them

"Mommy!! I'm hungry!" Said diamond I nodded and got her some strawberry's

"MMM!! Yummy!!" She said

"Jay come here!" Said Mark while pushing Asher on the swing

"Alright dad!" Jay said and ran to Mark and Mark put him on the swing and started pushing them both..

"Mommy.. I want to grow up and get married!" Diamond said and I giggled..

"Haha, I don't know what Daddy's gonna say about that.. Your his only girl!" I said and pinched her cheeks

"Daddy will let me!" She said and ate another strawberry

Mark, Asher and Jay came over here and sat with us.

"Honey. Diamond said she wants to grow up and get married." I said

"Haha, not on my watch." Mark said and made Diamond pout

"I want to marry JB oppa! Appa!! Please!!" Diamond said

Mark and I laughed

"Eomma I want to marry seulgi Noona!" Said Jay

"Haha, we'll see who you marry in the future my kids." I said and smiled and sat besides Mark... Looking at our beautiful family....

The Tuan family lived happily ever after!

Authors note

Okay! This was such a short booty fanfic but I kinda got bored, and I'm making new fanfics. Sorry if you guys liked this Mark and Wendy thing but hey! They got married had kids and lived happily ever after! Look forward to a few of my books that include Got7 and Bts! And maybe.. Exo!

Married to the playboy {Mark Got7 Fanfic} {Wendy red velvet fanfic} {Book 2}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu