The Decision!!

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The next day I had to make the toughest decision ever, to lie to my
obnoxious mum and sneak out to Vegas with my best friend or to let the opportunity slip and stay at home getting bossed around. I really really wanted to go so badly but I just knew that my mum would find out and I would be grounded until my kids have kids. Why does this decision have to be so hard why can't my mum be like Mia's mum, she is so easy going and let's Mia do everything and anything even by her self, look at this as an example Mrs. Robinson is about to let her 16 year old child travel to Vegas BY HER SELF. I was getting ready for school and I just knew as soon as I got there Mia would keep asking me. I have to make a decision!! I'm gonna go, yep I'm definitely going to go. No I can't go if I do I'll be in soooooo much trouble.
I said unsurely in my head.

"OMG why does this have to be so hard" I said with banging my head into my pillow.

I started walking to school and I made my decision but I was going to make Mia wait for it just because I knew she would keep asking me.

"EMMA HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DECISION YET" she said looking so excited to see me.
"Yes in fact I have but I'm not going to tell you until 4th period"
"What Emma are you joking you can't expect me to wait that long, are you crazy" she said angrily
"If you want to know the decision you have to wait until 4th period, OK" I said back
"Ok" she said unhappy

It was lunch now and Mia still had to wait two more periods until I told her and believe me she was soo not happy about it.

The next period we had gym for gym we were playing netball getting ready for the yearly gala day I was so excited because I was one of the people on the team and not to brag or anything but we had a lot of the best players in the school I think we might win it this year!!

Uh oh it was forth period I had to make my decision I totally lied before about knowing my decision I guess it's now or never. So I was just about to tell Mia what I was going to do when the strictest teacher in the school walked into the class room, it was.....Mrs D'nofrio.

"SILENCE" she screamed

Please don't be our English teacher I repeated over and over again in my head

"I am your new English teacher for the next two weeks" she yelled again

Just my luck the worst teacher in the school is my new English teacher!!

It's recess now and I am going to tell Mia my decision.
"Mia I can't..." I said
Her face dropped
"You didn't let me finish my sentence, Mia I can't ....WAIT TO GO TO VEGAS WITH YOU!!
"I told my mum I'm going camping with Emily and I told Emily the plan and she was cool with it" I said happily
"Great well pack your bags we leave Monday"
We jumped up and down with excitement all day!!

Hey guys I hope your enjoying my story it's my first one and I'm really excited. There will be plenty more chapters to come!!

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