Chapter 74: Reunion

Start from the beginning

We got to their house and I got out and unstraped Camryn while Alex stayed in the car. I carried her up to the door and knocked, resting Camryn on my hip and kissing her forehead. My dad opened the door with a smile and I handed Camryn's bag over.

"Hey Brandon." My dad smiled.

"Oh, hey dad, you're still here. Look what Camryn learned to say. Camryn, can you say Grandpa? Say Grandpa." I cooed to my daughter, bouncing her a bit. I picked up her hand and pointed it at my dad.

"Ganpa!" She exclaimed happily. My dad smiled, wiping away a tear.

"Can she say anything else."

"She learned how to say Grandma."

"Let me get your mom, HARLEY!" My dad yelled. My mom came up to the door with a smile.

"Hi Brandon, hi Camryn." She smiled.

"Hey mom, watch this. Camryn, who's that? Who's that?" I asked, pointing at my mom. "Is that Grandma? Can you say Grandma? Say Grandma, Camryn."

"Ganma!" She exclaimed again and my mom had tears rolling down her face.

"She just learned how to say those." I said with a smile, looking at my smiling daughter with a huge smile myself. "Anyway, I have to go so here you go." I said, kissing Camryn's cheek and handed ehr over to my mom. "Bye!" I called, walking away.

"Bye Brandon! Have fun!" I gave a thumbs up before getting into my car. We drove to my old high school where the reunion was being held. We pulled into the parking lot and got out, walking into the school and into the gym. I checked in and got my nametag, grabbing Alex's hand and pulling her further into the gym. The whole place was decorated with balloons and streamers of our school colors. There was a huge sign that welcomed back our class and there was music playing that was popular ten years ago.

"Wow, it's been a while since I've been here." I mumbled in Alex's ear and she nodded. I stood up straight and scanned the gym, looking for Ethan.

"Brandon!" I heard someone call, I looked around and saw someone waving at me. I grabbed Alex's hand and pulled her over to the table the person was sitting at. I walked closer and smiled as I saw Brad, Ethan, Lyrica and some girl I've enver seen before.

"Hey Brandon." Ethan and Brandon said with a smile.

"Hey." I said, sitting down next to Ethan, Alex sitting on the other side of me.

"Brandon, I'd like you to meet my fiance, Gabby." He said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Brandon and this is my wife Alex." I smiled, reaching across the table to shake Gabby's hand.

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you." She giggled, shaking my hand.

"Oh, and we have some news." Ethan smiled, grabbing Lyrica's hand.

"We're engaged!" Lyrica squealed, flashing her ring.

"That's awesome Lyrica!" Alex exclaimed.

"Congrats man." I smiled at Ethan and he smiled back at me. We just spent the rest of the night talking and eating.

"Brandon! I need to see your daughter!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Oh my fuck yes, so do I! I haven't seen her since he was born dude!"

"I know, I know." I siad, looking over at Alex.

"Tomorrow." She said with a smile.

"She's probably going to be asleep when we get home so come over tomorrow." I said with a smile.

"All right, see ya later Brandon." Ethan said with a smile, bro hugging me.

"You too man, congrats."


"Bye Brandon." Brad said, bro hugging me as well.

"Bye man, congrats to you too."

"Thanks." He said before we all went our seperate ways. We drove to my parents house and my mom answered the door with a smile.

"Hi Brandon, I'll go get Camryn." My mom said, going back into the house. She came back out with a sleeping Camryn and I smiled, taking Camryn from her arms. I slung the bag over my shoulder and kissed my daughter's cheek.

"Thanks so much for doing this mom."

"No problem, hope you had fun."

"We did." I smiled. "Bye!" I called, heading back to my car. I strapped Camryn in and drove back to our apartment.

"I'll put Camryn to bed." I siad to Alex, pecking her lips.

"Thank you." She said with a smile, getting out of the car. I went around and unstrapped Camryn, picking her up. I carried her up the stairs and into her room. I dressed her in pajamas and placed her in her crib. 

"I love you Camryn." I whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead. I walked out of the room and into our room to see Alex, fast asleep. I smiled and stripped to my boxers, climbing in next to her.

"I love you." I whispered, kissing her cheek and falling asleep as well.

I woke up the next morning and took a quick shower, getting dressed in black basketball shorts and a black muscle shirt. I heard Camryn start crying and walked into her room to see her sitting up in her crib with a smile.

"Well hello there beautiful." I smiled, walking into her room.

"Dada!" She exclaimed, extending her arms toward me. I smiled again and picked her up, kissing her nose.

"You have your mom's smile, you know that?" She just giggled and I smiled. I carried her out to the living room and sat on the couch with her, turning on the TV. Alex walked out about an hour later with a tired smile.

"Now, isn't that cute?" I smiled at Alex, kissing the top of Camryn's head.

"You should probably get ready, Ethan and Brad are going to be here soon." She nodded, going back into the hallway. Another hour passed and Alex was sitting on the couhc with Camryn and I when the doorbell rang. I handed Camryn to her and got up, opening the door. I smiled when I saw Ethan, Lyrica, Brad and Gabby.

"Hey guys." I smiled, letting them in. I walked over to Alex and picked up camryn back up. "Here she is." I smiled, resting my daughter on my hip.

"She's so cute Brandon!" Ethan exclaimed and I nodded.

"Do you want to hold her?" He nodded and I handed Camryn off to him. "Camryn, can you say Ethan? Say Ethan."

"Ean!" She exclaimed with a smile, placing her finger on Ethan's nose. Ethan smiled down at my daughter, I could tell he was going to be a good dad when him and Lyrica decided to have a kid.

"How about you Brad?" He nodded and Ethan handed her to him. "Camryn, say Brad. Say Brad."

"Bad!" Camryn said with a smile causing all of us to laugh. The girls held her and we talked for a bit more before they left. I got back on the couch with Alex and Camryn, cuddling with my girls.


Kind of a filler chapter

Brad -------------------->


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