Chapter 4

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While she was backing out of the drive-way, you decided to just blurt it out.

"I'm moving to South Korea," you said

She abruptly pressed in the breaks, making the car stop and you almost hit your forehead in the dashboard.

"What!? Why!?" she asked, almost yelling.

You looked at her and sadly smiled and said, "I'll tell you after we get back to my house, okay? I just want to have an amazing day with my bestfriend before we both leave."

She lightly groaned while nodding and started driving to the mall.
•Time Skip•
Once she parked in the parking lot infront of the mall, you both got out and walked in.

Both of you went straight to your favorite store and had fun trying on different outfits.

Since you guys got tired, you went to the movie theater and watched a movie.

<(Y/N) P.O.V.>
On the way back to my house, Jasmine and I sang along to the radio off-key.

She parked in the drive-way, turned the radio down and looked at me then said, "So why are you guys moving?"

"Let's go inside," I said, unbuckling myself and getting out of the car then grabbing the shopping bags and walking up to the door.

As I walked in with Jasmine behind me, I took my shoes off and looked at the dozens of boxes sitting infront of the door.

We walked up to my room where I put the bags and dropped down on my bed on my stomach beside Jasmine.

After a couple of minutes, I heard moving then felt her hitting me hard on the back with one of my pillows. I sat up and took the pillow away from her and thought, 'No wonder your the best at softball, soccer, and tennis.'

"Tell me why your whole family is moving to another country," she said, looking at you.

"My mom and dad thought it was best for my brother and I to go to another country to experience the way my mom grew up and to see a different lifestyle from the one we're living right now," I said while playing with the pillow on my lap.

I looked at her as she was grabbing another pillow and started hitting me again, but harder than the first time.

I tried blocking it, but she kept hitting me.

"나를 때리지 마세요!*", I yelled and she stopped.

She understood because she's learning Korean.

She dropped the pillow and looked at me and said, "I don't want you to leave. They're gonna force me to hang out with them. You know who I'm talking about."

"The Barbies," we both said together.

We both layed back on my bed and looked at the poster of Jimin from BTS that I have on my ceiling.

"Let's just hope some new people come to school next year that you want to hang out with," I said.

Jasmine gasped and sat up then looked at me and said, "Since my parents are the head surgeons at the hospital and they get A LOT of money, maybe I can visit you or I can go and study abroad there next year."

I sat up and looked at her excited face.

"That sounds like an amazing idea," I said with a smile on my face.

I tried even though I was struggling with what I wanted to write for this chapter.

1.) Don't hit me!

Please help me with anything you find wrong.
BTW this story is going to continue in the (Y/N) POV.

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