First Day as Professors

Start from the beginning

"Sure..." the boy mumbled, sounding distant.

So I sat down. Once that boy was put of his distant stage we got to know him. His name was Draco, Draco Malfoy.

"Do you know what house you're going to be in, Alice?" Draco asked.

"Nope. I didn't even know about Hogwarts until a while ago." I replied.

He stared at me with confused eyes and then asked "Wait... Are you a mudblood?... You know.. Are you parent... Muggles?"

"No.. At least I don't think so.. My parents were James and Lily Potter." I said quietly.

Draco looked at me, shocked and asked if Harry was my brother and I said yes.

"He just doesn't know it yet. I came to Hogwarts for that very reason, but also to learn." I said happily.

At that time we arrived at Hogwarts. I was about to step out of the cabin, but a strong arm held me back. It was Draco. I think I blushed when I looked back... And he definitely noticed, he smirked and it seemed like he forgot what he was planning to say.

Soon after we got on some boats lead by Hagrid and soon enough we were at Hogwarts.

After many names were called to

try on the hat, Draco was placed in Slytherin and Harry and two of his friends were placed in Gryffindor. The finally my name was called.

"Potter, Alison!?" Mrs. McGonagall called.

I heard gasps and whispers everywhere. Despite that I ran up as fast as I could. I sat up proud and tall, on that stool, Mrs. McGonagall place the old hat on my head and the hat spoke.

"You are quite tricky to place, my dear... You have the friendliness of a Hufflepuff, the brains of a Ravenclaw, the heart of Gryffindor, and ambition and powerlust of a Slytherin..." the hat whispered.

"I think I'll put you in... Slytherin!" the hat said much louder.

The whole Slytherin table cheered with joy. I went to go sit with Draco, blushing. He pretended not notice.

Draco stared at me for awhile then said "I knew you were Slytherin material!" he said smiling.

After supper was served Harry ended up finding me.

"Ummmm... Hi Alice. Rumor is that you're my twin sister." Harry smiled.

I explained everything I thought he would want to know and all I knew about our life.... And our parents.

"So you're in Slytherin, huh?" Harry asked, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah... Apparently so." I smiled.

Harry looked nervous for a while the said, "I've heard bad things about Slytherins... Be careful Alice... Okay?" Harry asked.

I nodded silently... Millions of questions ran through my mind, like: 'What does he mean?' or 'Why is he telling me this?'

"Well, good night Alice." Harry sighed.

"Night Harry." I whispered before turning and walking off to the common rooms.

The next day we were given our schedules. I found that I had no classes with the Gryffindors, but I had every single class with Draco...

My heart skipped a beat... I laughed at myself..

He was just a crush...


"Hi Alice! What's wrong?" asked a familiar voice came from behind me.

Alison Lily Malfoy: I Married my Brother's (Old) ArchenemyWhere stories live. Discover now