Chapter 32

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The weekends was off and if parents had signed under certain papers the students could take the bus in to town and do whatever they wanted to do there. Arthur was tired and decided to catch up on some sleep. Merlin on the other hand wanted nothing more but to catch up with Will. He wanted to hear about the new school and how Will was holding up and since their last talk on the phone Will really wanted to know how Merlin was holding up.

Merlin threw on his brown jacket and the leather satchel. "I'm heading out to meet Will." Arthur made a muffled mumble from his pillow and gave him a thumbs up. Gwaine locked his iPad and pulled on his shoes. "Hang on I'll join you." Merlin snickered and rolled his eyes. Gwaine chuckled and tied his Doc Marten boots. Merlin curled his lips and tried to hold down a smile. He shook his head and looked to the side. "God Gwaine it's always the last second with you." The punk boy shrugged on a leather jacket and brushed off some dust on his knees. "It's my trademark Mer. I thought you were used to it by now." He placed an arm around Merlins shoulders and the skinny boy laughed. "One never truly get used to you Gwaine."


They walked into Starbucks. Around them was people in front of computer screens or phones tapping away so it wouldn't be too hard to find the only person who was reading on actual paper. They looked around the coffee shop before they spotted a boy with messy hair and a nose dug into a book. Once Will looked up his face lit up. He put his book down and walked over to the boys. Merlin was walking faster as soon Will came and soon they both ran into each other's arms. "Good to see you too Will!" Will laughed and so did Merlin. Gwaine stood on the side of them with his arms open. "Won't I get a hug?" Will punched him lightly in the arm before embracing the leathery boy. Gwaine laughed and ruffled Will's hair. Merlin put his bag down on the side of the table and sat down opposite to Will. Gwaine pointed behind himself using his thumb. "I'll get us some coffee. Cappuccino and Chai Latte right?" The two boys nodded and smiled. Gwaine nodded and walked over to the counter. Merlin turned around and smiled to Will. "So how's the new school?" Will chuckled and raised his brows. "It's actually a lot better than I expected. Camelot was great and all but I never really fitted in. I do there. I met this girl. Freya. She's actually really nice. And she's asexual so she kind of get where I'm coming at." Merlin smiled like the sun itself and gave Will's hand a little squeeze. "I'm so happy for you Will!" Will chuckled and squeezed Merlins hands back. Gwaine placed two cups in front of them and walked back to get his own. Merlin or Will wasn't quite sure if he heard them saying "thanks" but they could try again when he came back. Will raised his brows and looked at his friend. "So...? Have you done anything about Mordred or?" Gwaine sat down and started sipping on his double espresso. "Who's Mordred?" Merlin looked down and bit his lip. "Just a guy from Camelot." Gwaine scrunched his brows and looked at his friend. "What did he do?" Merlin looked over at Will for help but Will didn't really have anything to say. Merlin looked at Gwaine. "Mordred kissed me." Gwaine almost spat out his espresso and put the glass down. "What?! When?! Why?!" Merlin shrugged. "Last month. In the shower. I was still wearing my boxers though!" He rushed to explain so he wouldn't read it as anything else. Gwaine looked down and had a dark look in his eyes. "So he saw your....." Merlin sighed and nodded. Gwaine nodded and suddenly seamed unaffected. He brought the cup up to his lips but stopped just so he could say: "I'm gonna kill him." Before taking a sip and putting the cup down. Merlin grabbed his arm and gave it a squeeze. "I think scaring him would be a better option." Gwaine raised and eyebrow and looked at him. "Oh? What do you recon?" Merlin and Will exchanged a look and soon they were down to planning yet another prank. Just like old times.


Apparently Gwaine had chosen to share their plan with Percival which in this case was a genius move. Not only was he twice as large as Mordred but everyone knows that Perical and Gwaine are too close to be cheating on each other. And so the scheme began.

Merlin spotted them in the hall for the first time. Gwaine had one arm wrapped around Mordred's hip and Percival was leaned over both of them. Mordred seemed beyond uncomfortable. As soon as he looked over at Merlin, the skinny boy smiled to him and walked to his class. During the first week Percival and Gwaine would flirt with Mordred in the most uncomfortable way whenever they could get him away from the others. They would sometimes wave at him in the dining hall but Mordred would pretend he didn't see them. Something he failed at it spectacularly. When some of the others asked who they were waving at or why Gwaine would simply reply: "oh we're just messing with him. He's been kind of an ass." Elyan took a sip of water. "What did he do?" Gwaine looked over at Merlin. Merlin didn't break the gaze. "He was rude." Said Merlin and took a bite of his toast. Whether the boys accepted the vague answer or understood that they didn't want to really tell what Mordred had done, the rest of the Knights decided to leave it at that. They continued eating their lunch while talking about various topics like nothing had happened.


The next weekend Merlin and Gwaine went into town together once more. Their meeting with Will was short yet they still had time to tell him how their evil scheme had worked out. They all got a good laugh out of Gwaine mimicking Mordred's reaction to being so heavily flirted with by someone much bigger than himself.

On the way back to the bus station something caught Merlins eye. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look into the jewellery store. Right in front of him was a ring. It was shaped like a crown. No jewels or diamonds just a golden crown. A simple yet gorgeous and well shaped crown. "Hey Gwaine come here!" Gwaine turned around and put his hand in his leather jacket. He stood next to Merlin and tried to see what the skinny boy was looking at. Once he looked down and saw the little golden crown he threw his head back and laughed hysterical. "God Mer!" Merlin smiled and nodded his head. He was buying that ring. No matter how much it would cost him he was going to buy that ring.

My Camelot Romance (A Merthur Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum