Chapter 14

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Somehow both Gwaine and Will managed to talk their way out of staying at the nurse offie all day. Or to be more precise, Will had to talk Gwaine out of staying at the nurse office. The brunette wanted nothing more but to stay and relax the whole day, but Will had told him that they might miss out on something amazing.

"Something we have to witness ourselves!" Gwaine rolled his eyes and leaned down a little further into the pillow. "Exactly what might happen today that will be so breathtaking?" He closed his eyes and waited for the real stupid answer Will would give him. Will leaned in a little closer to Gwaine. "Let's just say the King might introduce us to the new Queen." Gwaine shot up from his pillow and stared shocked into Will's eyes. "Arthur has a boyfriend?! Who?!" Will laughed and shook his head. "Well I guess you just have to see for yourself." It took Gwaine a little to think before he stood up, grabbed his bag and walked out of the office. Will followed after triumphant.

When they opened the door to the science lab most of the students was sitting on their desks throwing paper balls at each other. On the board someone had drawn and incredible drawing of Gaius and Uther's face. A talking bubble was next to Gaius face that said: "oh I love you Uther". Uther had a talking bubble as well. It read the following. "Oh I love you too Gaius bby". Some were still laughing at the drawing. Some took pictures. When Gwaine turned around and saw the picture his laugh carried over the noise in the classroom. Will scoffed but was trying and failing to suppress a smile. Merlin and Arthur was seated next to each other. Arthur had folded up his shirt sleeve and Merlin was drawing on his arm with a sharpie. It was a crown. Under the crown was a coin and under the coin was a silhouette of a dragon. Over the crown and under the dragon was something written with cursive letters.

Two sides of
The same coin

Arthur looked at the drawing and smiled. He might tattoo it on later one day. Merlin looked up at Arthur and smiled at the blonde boy in front of him. Arthur looked down at the Raven boy with a loving glimpse in his eyes.
Will pushed Gwaine's arm and pointed at the boys. At first Gwaine seemed confused but as soon as he got what Wil meant his face was enlightened and he turned to his friend in pure shock. "Are they..?!" Will smiled full hearted and Gwaine chuckled. Behind them the door opened and Gaius entered the room. The laughter quickly died down and Gaius wandered slowly towards his desk while he was still pointing at the drawing. "Who did this?" He asked as he looked over at the others in the classroom. Will raised his hand before blurting. "I didn't do it I just got in, but will that person get in trouble or something?" He knew Lancelot had drawn it, he would recognise those lines anywhere, although it was not his handwriting though, so someone else must have written it. Gaius raised and eyebrow at Will and took his time to answer before his face softened and he replied. "Actually I was going to applaud the artwork. It's excellently done." Gaius turned around and took a picture of it with his Android. As he did so Will turned around and looked over at Lancelot who nearly sunk into his seat. Will gave him a thumbs up and Lance smiled at him. He was so relieved. Gaius turned around and pointed at the talking bubble. "All though if Uther would call me anything it would be dear." Everyone chuckled and gave out mild laughs. Gaius smiled to his students and fished out the book from his bag. "Right then. Let's turn to Chapter 7, page 165."


They entered the food hall. Merlin wanted to sit down next to Arthur but that seat was already taken. Gwaine was sitting right next to him and Will was right across from him. Merlin sat down next to Will and right across from Arthur. Arthur sent Merlin a smile and Merlin returned it. Gwaine stabbed his salad as he spoke to Arthur. "So..." He chewed. "... A little bird told me the king has a new queen." Arthur coughed and covered his mouth with the back of his hand so he wouldn't squirt orange juice over the entire table. Merlin froze and Will glanced over at him. Merlin gave him a death glare but will just shook it off. Percival who was just sitting down next to Merlin joined the conversation. "Who has a queen?" Leon laughed and pointed at the boy who was currently drying his juice covered chin and hands with a serviette. "Arthur" Lancelot chuckled and Percival moped as he sat down next to Gwaine. Elyan sat down next to Will who was smiling suavely to his potatoes. "Really?" Asked Percival who was still gaping. Elyan sat down next to Will and turned to the broader boy across from him. "What about Arthur?" Percival leaned over the table and wheezed out: "Arthur's got a boyfriend!" Elyan lost his shit and lean halfway over Will's food who made a really uncomfortable face and a whine as he scooted closer to Merlin. But Elyan didn't care and leaned just even closer. "Who?! Arthur who?!" The others would start asking as well. Except Will, Gwaine and Merlin of course. Merlin was still glaring at his best friend who was smiling triumphantly and Gwaine was still eating his salad. The buzzing grew louder and louder and Arthur and Merlin both thought "thank god" when they were saved by the bell, or in this case a kid who screamed "WATCH OUT!" Before  a chocolate pudding cup hit Merlin right in his face and covered him in the brown sweetness. Behind him a kid screamed.


All hell broke loose as potatoes and juice bottles, milk cartons and pudding cups flew through the air. Some kids would tackle the others and some would throw each other off tables. Merlin had no idea where but someone had started playing Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance on full volume. Benches was being turned and flipped and thrown around. Merlin suddenly felt that he lost the ground as someone grabbed him around the waist and tackled him to the ground. The pain was unbearable. He could barely breathe. Like all his ribs were broken at once as someone punched him a million times in the stomach. He fell right under the table they were all seated at for merely a minute ago.  When he looked down he met Arthur's eyes. His head was covered with brown sauce and his right cheek had pieces of meat on it. Merlin was covered with chocolate pudding although he had wiped off some of it with his hand. Arthur's arms was on both sides of Merlins hips and he was right between his legs. He leaned up and Merlin leaned down. Merlin tasted sweet and Arthur tasted salty. A great combination. They were interrupted by Gwaine's shoes stomping on the table they were underneath. A steak hit the punk boy and he screamed like he was heading for war as he pealed the meat of his face and slapped it right in the face of another teenager. Percival lifted a kid up from the ground after his shirt and Leon rubbed pudding in his face. Lancelot and Will teamed up and was standing back to back as they threw potatoes at anyone who dared to get too close. And Elyan? Well he was pinning a boy against a table who was holding not one but two pudding cups. He would not get hit. Not today.

The music stopped and every boy in the dining hall froze when the voice of Uther Penndragon howled through the room. "What the hell is going on here?!" Behind him was Gaius who wanderer as fast as the man in front of him. Although he seemed less stressed and more disappointed compared to Uther who was just downright angry. Uther stopped in the middle of the room and turned around as he spoke. "No boy is going to leave this room until it's spotless do you hear me!" Every boy in the room replied with the same monotone voice. "Yes sire." Uther left the room with Gaius next to him.

They spent an hour cleaning up the place.

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