Chapter 22

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It was a complete and utter chaos on the bus. Most of the others would literally scream to each other over the seats. Some would throw lunches to each other, switching in the air, others would show each other funny videos or play games on their phones. There were probably only three boys who sat quietly. Will was leaned up against one of the windows as he read "It's Kind Of A Funny Story". He had a lollipop in his mouth. Probably because he was really craving a smoke, but he couldn't smoke on the bus with other students and teachers on. In front of him was Merlin and Arthur. Merlin was staring out of the window as he was listeing to Brendan Maclean. Arthur was halfway asleep on Merlins shoudler.

He looked down and simply had to smile.He turned his head as far as he could without stirring Arthur. "Will". The aromantic boy leaned up from the window and came closer to Merlin's head. "What?" Merlin laughed to himself. "Have you heard Stupid? By Brendan?" Will scrunched up his face. "Of course!" Merlin laughed and shook his head. "I think that is my love song." Will looked at him very sceptically. "And you didn't realise that until now?" Both boys chuckled. Will smiled to his book. "I think my love song would be Nicotine. By Panic! At The Disco, you know." Merlin laughed and threw his head back. "Oh god i've been thinking the same thing for ages!" Will smiled and nodded approvingly. "Good." Merlin tunred around and continued staring out of the window and Will got lost in his book once more. The drive lasted for another hour.

Merlin must have fallen asleep during the trip. He woke up to Arthur kissing his nose. He looked up and smiled. "You fell asleep" Arthur whispered as he smiled. Merlin rubbed his eyes. "I weren't the only one" He booped Arthurs nose and the blonde chuckled.


As he walked out of the bus he suddenly realised he was in Ealdor. But they were on the other side of town so hopefully he wouldn't meet any old classmates.

Merlin has manager to steal Forgive Me Leonard Peacock from Will and he was loving it so far. It was funny yet sad and very very good. He was standing a little away from the group. The others was looking at the art outside the museum although most of them was running around it as someone else would be chasing them. Today it was actually hot enough to be wearing something less... Hot. Arthur was running around in a red and white football jacket with a sweater under. Merlin was still wearing his black coat and blue scarf as well as the brown converse. The book cover for Forgive Me Leonard Peacock was blue, white and black and was matching his outfit which was aesthetically pleasing. As he turned another page he recognised the voice from a distance. Why did they always find him.

"Gaylord!" Merlin looked up and closed his book. He was still afraid, but he did feel a little safer knowing that Arthur and the others weren't that far away. Apparently most of the boys had stopped playing and would look at the scene unfolding. Arthur came towards Merlin and grabbed his shoulder. The Raven boy sighed and looked down. Arthur turned to Cendred and his gang and raised his voice. "Did you just call him a gaylord?!" No one really knew where Gwaine appeared from but he was suddenly next to Merlin with an even angrier look than Arthur. "Who called Merlin a gaylord?" And it was not hard to guess that Percival was there before Gwaine could utter his sentence. Cause wherever Gwaine goes Percy goes. He stared and Cendred and took a step in front of the group and screamed like a warrior. "Why the fuck did you call Merlin a gaylord!" Anyone could tell that Cendred was intimidated. The boys wandered over to Cendred and his gang and on the way Lancelot and Elyan joined the group. They made a circle around the three but Cendred didn't show weakness. At least he tried not to. Arthur crossed his arms over his chest and Gwaine and Lance who was on his side did the same. "Why did you call Merlin a gaylord?" Cendred snickered and leaned closer to Arthur. "Don't you know? He's a dirty..." Cendred leaned closer and refused to blink. "Ugly... Cheap..." The last words he almost spat in pure disgust and he built up for the last. "Faggot!" Bam! Cendred didn't even see that punch come. He just felt a burning sensation in his face and had fell onto his other friends. They were all three of them on the ground with Arthur and the others surrounding them. Behind them Merlin was desperately trying to get past and into the circle to stop him. But Arthur was far from done. "We know what you've done to Merlin. We know exactly what you've done Cendred. And we won't let you get away with it." Behind them they heard Merlin yell clear as that very day. "Gwaine for fucks sakes let me pass!" Gwaine nearly jumped to the side and Merlin placed himself in front of Arthur on his left side. "Arthur it's enough." Arthur didn't look at Merlin. Not once. He just stood there. Staring at the boy on the ground. "I'm not gonna let him get away with what he's done!" Merlin was still looking at Arthur. "And I'm not gonna let you get into trouble." Arthur didn't move a muscle.  He just stared at Cendred like he was going to kill him and Cendred finally accepted the fear he was possessed with. Merlin took half a step closer to Arthur. "I'm not going to let you get expelled!" "I don't care!" Said the young Penndragon. "Well I do!" And at that point finally, Arthur turned to Merlin and Merlin was worried. "You have no idea how much I love you for doing this but I know that you would do anything for me. Everyone knows that. But I'm not gonna let you get yourself into that much trouble because of this. Not because of them." He turned his head and looked at Cendred on the ground. He looked so small and petrified just like Merlins have always been around him. Their roles was turned. But he would not sink to Cendreds level. And he would not let Arthur do so either. He looked at Cendred over his shoulder a little longer before saying: "they're not worth it." He turned around and looked at Arthur one more time. The blonde boy in front of him was still staring at Cendred. Merlin sighed. "Arthur look at me." And Arthur did. His eyes was getting teary as soon as he looked at Merlin. Merlin smiled in that painful yet sweet way he always does and Arthur swallowed. He then took a side step so his chest was pressed up against Merlin and they were both on the side. He pointed at Cendred and the other two boys with angry tears and a murderous stare. "If you touch him again I will end you." Merlin gently grabbed Arturs wrist and turned to the others. It almost sounded like he whispered. Like he was just tired. "Come on." He said and walked away with Arthur. Elyan sighed and followed after. Gwaine first looked at the others, then Cendred and finally Lance. "What? Are we seriously leaving?" Lancelot sighed and proceeded to shrug. "Merlin said we go so I guess we just have to." Gwaine clenched his teeth and looked to both sides. He looked down at Cendred and pointed at him with pure fury. "This isn't over!" Percival followed after Gwaine. He turned to Cendred and tipped his head to the side and made that breaking sound. As his neck was broken in half. Cendred stumbled to his feet and walked away as fast as possible. Oswald dragged Ethan with him. Percival Lancelot and Gwaine walked over to the others and continued eating lunch. Like nothing had happened.

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