Chapter 21

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When Merlin opened the door he almost looked offended and shocked at the same time. "What on earth are you wearing?!" He pulled Arthur into the corridor and started untying his tie. Arthur was utterly confused and chose to not fight back. Merlin was concentrating on the knot as he spoke. "We're a lot more casual here." Arthur nodded agreeing as he looked around the room. "I like your house." Merlin pulled off the tie and stuffed it into Arthur's bag. "Thanks. We painted it last week. The kitchen door opened and Hunith came out from the kitchen. She was wiping her hands on a towel. "Oh Arthur welcome." She looked him up and down before answering in an energetic and sweet tone. "You're overdressed, love. Please come in dinners ready!"

"So...?" Hunith said as she was parting her fish. They were all sitting around the circular kitchen table as they ate. "... How long have you been Merlins..." Arthur continued the sentence casually. ".... Boyfriend?" Hunith dramatically slammed her cutlery on the table and turned to Arthur. "Boyfriend?! I was going to say friend!" She turned to Merlin and stared at him desperately. "Merlin are you a..." She whispered the next part. "... Homosexual?" Arthur was about to panic but his pulse slowed down again when Merlin rolled his eyes while looking slightly annoyed. "Mum. Seriously. It's not funny." Hunith smiled sweetly to her son and continued eating. Merlin turned to Arthur. "I'm sorry about her she's got a very twisted sense of humour." Hunith rolled her eyes as she continued eating. "Oh look who's talking" Merlin blew raspberries and Hunith giggled. When she turned to Arthur he was actually smiling. "What?" She said, still smiling. "It's just. I've never had a mum before but I've always wished I'd have one like you." Hunith put her cutlery down and placed her hands over her heart and said: "Awww" Merlin bit his lip while smiling and Arthur chuckled.


During the dinner they would joke, laugh and even yell. It was wonderful and the whole house was filled with life. After the dinner Hunith did the dishes and Merlin and Arthur put on their shoes so they could go to the shop to buy some milk and coffee. As Merlin bent down to tie his laces Arthur gave him a smack on his jeans and Merlin turned around and squeezed his behind. Arthur made a little yelp and Merlin laughed as they walked out the door.

It was freezing cold outside. Merlin was wearing his black coat and a blue scarf and a pair of brown converse. Arthur was wearing a grey coat and a red scarf with his black pull on doc Martens. They were holding hands. Both hands bare but together warm. Merlin was carrying a blue plastic bag with the groceries in.
As they crossed the road and walked past a small park, Merlin suddenly recognised someone. Arthur had no idea who or what was going on but Merlin had suddenly pulled his scarf up a little over his face and started walking a lot faster than before. Arthur was almost dragging behind him but didn't try to stop the frantic boy still attached to his hand. When they crossed another street and the park was out of the view Merlin leaned up against the wall to get his breath back. He let go of Arthur's arm and ran a hand through his hair. He looked around the corner once more just to be sure they weren't following them. He sighed loudly and the air leaving his lips looked just like smoke. Arthur looked across the corner and saw the boys head in another direction. He turned to Merlin and took a step closer. "Who was that?" The boy in front of him ignored the taller's gaze. Merlin swallowed the cold and rested his hands on his stomach. Arthur looked down and suddenly realised who they were and why Merlin was running. With his eyes wide and eyebrows scrunched he took another step closer and bent down a little so he could meet Merlins gaze. "That was them?! The guys who hurt you?!" Merlin looked to the side and didn't say anything. Arthur's face twisten into pure anger and he started walking. Merlin suddenly realised where he was going and pushed himself away from the wall. He held Arthur back by leaning both of his hands on his chest. "Arthur please! Don't do it! Just please not today!" Arthur was cold. His eyes was staring straight ahead and he was almost seeing red. But as soon as his eyes looked down and met Merlins desperate look it all disappeared. He sighed and wrapped his arms around Merlin. As they walked Arthur thought only one thing.

"I guess love does conquer anything."

My Camelot Romance (A Merthur Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz