"Like what you see Mrs?" He asks smirking

"Oh very much" I smirk back while kissing him

Right when we finish putting on our clothes and Finn jumps in bed, our little monsters run in.

"MOM!! Guess what's today!!???" Davis yells while jumping on the bed

"Hmm, let me guess, does it start with C and end in S?" I ask

"Is it..no...I don't think it is" Finn said pretending to not know

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Davis and Chris both yell out

Finn and I look at each other and smile,

"Really!??" We ask excited

"You didn't forget did you?" Chris asks us

"Of course not, how can we forgot both of your favorite holidays?" Finn answered

Looking at them jump around excited reminds me of the day they turned three
"Momma! Wook! Daddy got mwe a fiwertruck!" Chris told me excited

"Really baby? Do you like it?" I ask

"No, wook, wook, daddy got me swomething better!" Davis yelled out

"What he'd get you?" I ask

"A twank!" He pointed me the giant tank on the floor

"Wow, daddy got you both some pretty cool gifts, but guess what mommy made?" I asked

"What! What!??" They asked looking up at me excited

"Your cake" I said pretty proud

They jumped up happy and clapping their hands. If there was anything they loved more than toys, it was food, especially cake.

"Yay!!!" They yelled

They wrapped their small arms around my legs because they were so short,

"We wuv you momma" they told me

I hugged them back

"I love you too my little babies"

"I love you too my little babies"

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End of flashback

"Want to go open your presents?" I ask them

"Yeah!!" He yelled running out

The Sad Truth Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now