4. Spike & Carly Witwickey

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This is probably the shortest oneshot I've ever written. This oneshot features Spike and Carly from G1. This is set in an alternate reality where, sadly, Carly was killed in a Decepticon attack. The setting is a couple years later into the future. Now what would happen if Spike one day saw Carly's ghost?

This oneshot explores this scenario.


It was a cold and blistery evening in Autobot City. The date was December 18th, 2005.

Spike Witwickey was stalking through Prime Street, hands stuffed into his winter coat with his head hunched low, trying his best to keep warm. The street car broke down nearly halfway down its route, so now he was forced to walk the rest of the way home. He tried calling a taxi, heck even one of the Autobots, but with the snow pilling up, nobody dared to try and venture through this weather.

"Ah, you've got to be kidding me..."

He picked up the pace, his boots plowing through the snow as he came to a stop light. He waited impatiently for the light to turn green, wanting to get home as soon as possible. He looked around the street as best he could, the falling snow creating a thin white fog in the air, making it hard to see.

But as he turned his head back, he froze, spotting the ghostly figure of a woman with platinum blonde hair, flowing in the wind and snow. She was bare foot, wearing nothing but a long, white strapless dress. Her skin was as pale as the snow, and she just stood there, right in the middle of the street.


Spike called out to the woman, but she said nothing. Instead, she simply turned her head to face him, and that's when he came into contact with those bright, icy blue eyes of hers.

It was then, Spike realized he had seen her face before. He looked familiar to her. He should know, because she had to be the most beautiful, smartest, confident, and brilliant woman he had ever met in his life.


The sound of a horn caught his attention as he snapped away from her gaze and looked over to the side. A truck was blazing through the snow, its headlights piercing through the thin fog. Whether it was an Autobot or just an ordinary vehicle, he did not know. Spike focused his attention back onto the girl, the supposed image of his dear girlfriend. She just stood there, not even acknowledging the fact that a truck was heading her way.

Spike ran out into the street, running towards the girl. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion. When he drew near, he reached his arms out to push Carly out of the way of the incoming truck. But as he drew closer and closer, time began to speed up, and within the blink of an eye, Spike phased right through the woman, toppling into the snow below.

He pushed himself up, turning his head around only to see that the Carly was gone. She completely vanished without a trace. But before he could comprehend what had just happened, the sound of the truck's horn, even louder this time, caught his attention as he looked over to see the front metal rim of the truck right in his face, and his life flashing before his eyes.

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