3. I Just Can't Wait To Be King (Music Nation)

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This one shot takes place just before the last chapter in The Future Is The Past (A Transformers G1 Fanfiction). 

What if Vaughan/Remix, Daphine, Andrew, Josh, Raoul, Spike's techno-organic, and Jazz, Soundwave, and Blaster's holoform transformations reacted differently when playing certain songs? 

What if they had the ability to transform into beasts? This oneshot explores this scenario. Enjoy!


It was March Break. It had been 5 months since Music Nation won Julliard's Battle of The Bands, and defeated the Decepticon's musical creations, The Mesmerizers. 

Vaughan had been turned back into her Cybertronian persona, Remix, and the rest of her human friends had been given the blessing of being able to change back into their Cybertronian forms as well. 

But that would take place during the summer, for right now, Vaughan and her human friends were treated to a Disney World vacation from her human father, Captain Witwickey. 

Vaughan, her mother, father, and her friends were walking around the Magic Kingdom park when they discovered some kind of commotion going on up at the stage in front of Cinderella's Castle. The curiosity getting the better of the bunch, the group decided to check it out and find out what was going on.

"Is there a problem, sir?" The man asked. 

A female Cast Member turned herself around to face the group. Her hair was a mess, her hand clutching to her cell phone like her life depended on it. "Disney's Make-A-Wish Benefit concert starts in half an hour and our opening act cancelled at the last minute!" 

"That's terrible!" Daphine gasped, placing a hand on a chest. "What will happen with the show?"

"That's just it! The opening act introduces the main attraction, but they aren't even in the city yet!" She strained. "And today was the only day we could invite all of the kids from the Foundation! They only have so long, I can't afford to delay the show!"

"Maybe there's something we could do?" Josh suggested. 

The Cast Member chuckled, clearing looking stressed. "No offense, but what can you do?" 

"I'm Vaughan Voice, and these are my band mates," The brunette introduced. "Well, some of them anyway." 

"Wait, as in Voice? Vaughan Voice?" The Cast Member asked for clarification. 

"That's me," Vaughan smiled. 

"Oh, this is perfect!" She beamed, jumping down from the stage and hugging the girl. "If you all could perform as the new opening act, the show can still go on!"

"Mom, dad, is it alright if we perform?" Vaughan asked with a cough, trying to breathe while being bear hugged by the Cast Member. "Just this once?" 

"Well," Margret shrugged, glancing over at her husband. "It is for a good cause." 

Captain Witwickey laughed, smiling at his daughter. "Alright, just this once." 

"We'll do it." Vaughan agreed. 

"Oh, yay!" The Cast Member cheered as she let go of the girl. "Follow me now to backstage, I'll help you folks get ready." 

"I'll call the others to get down here," Andrew spoke up as he pulled out his phone. "This is going to be great!" 

"While you're at it, can you get Hound to tag along with them?" Vaughan asked the boy. 

"Uh, sure Vaughan, but why?" Andrew asked in reply, seeming confused. 

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