Chapter 15: Wonder

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This chapter is mostly a thought process of the two of them. I hope you enjoy it!


Hey guys it's Marinette again. So we looked for my string and by we I mean Adrien and I. We looked and then we found this huge knot. I mean really huge. My string was in the knot. I mean I don't know what the knot means, but Adrien and I both believe that it means that they haven't faced their true struggle which actually makes a lot of sense.

I'm scared. I don't want to go through something really bad, I just- *sigh* - I want everything to be good. I don't want to be upset by my soulmate. It is just scary to think about. What if they cheat on me or treat me bad. What if I'm the one that messes up.

That would scare you guys right? I know it definitely scares me. I know what your thinking, "Marinette stop saying it's scary." But it is! Okay? I just, it stresses me out. I think I'll ask Adrien about it soon. Hopefully he is hopeful about it.

We don't even know about his string yet, though. Hopefully it's not in the knot so it means he is already done with his harsh reality. At the same time I hope it's still in it because that means he probably is still connected to me, I really hope that Chat finds his soulmate too.

I mean I thought his was attached to mine, but now since I'm not to sure, I hope he finds his other half. I guess if he comes over I can talk to him about it, too. I hope everything works out for both of them actually. They both are so important to me.

Maybe I'll be attached to one of them. That would be good I think. If it was like my parents it would be wonderful. I see their string and they are always together. Their string is attached whenever they are very close you can see it connecting them both. It is just beautiful.

I love, love, but at the same time I hate it. It stresses everything, but in the end it will be like mom and dad. If it is like their love then everything will be great. Now I'm daydreaming, but I don't know who's face is on the other side of my little red string.


So I think I should go find my string without Marinette. I wouldn't want to upset her if she isn't on the other end. I wouldn't want her to see me upset if it wasn't her either. I don't know what it is, but inside me I just feel like if it's anyone other then her I will lose everything and fall into a endless pit of darkness.

It's called love, Adrien.

What? No. I don't know. We just started dating. It can't be-

It is. Please get me cheese.

Not now Plagg! You put that idea in my head now thanks. Oh no. I've never felt love before. I mean I loved my mom and I guess I love father even though he isn't there, but never with a girl.

What do I do? Should I just tell her or do I not or do I just- I don't know. Well for now she is mine and I will cherish every moment with her.   If our strings aren't attached then I guess I would stay with her because in this moment she is the one I want.


Hey, Adrien! I was
wondering if you
would like to find your
string today?

Uhh Idk. Maybe.

If you don't I
understand. 🙂

No I would love to.

Are you sure? We
can do something
else if you'd like...

Yeah. Let's go string
hunting. 😁

Okay. I'll meet you
at the park at 11?

Yes I'll see you then. 😙

Okay see you then. ❤️

"Dang it!" Adrien said to Plagg. "She is so hard to refuse." He said sitting on his bed.

"It's the love." Plagg said smiling.

"Whatever, Plagg. I have to get ready." Adrien said standing up. He showered and got dressed and by the time he was done it was 10:45. Plagg flew in his pocket and he headed downstairs.

"I need a ride to the park, please." Adrien said to Natalie who was sitting at a desk.

"You have a photo shoot at 1." She said sternly.

"I'll be back by then. I'm just meeting up with a... friend." Adrien said slightly blushing looking at Natalie kindly.

"Fine, but if your not back it is on you not me." She says paging the gorilla.

"Thank you so much." Adrien said as he went outside and waited for his ride.

Eventually he showed up and he headed to the park. It was now 11 and he didn't see Marinette. He sat at a bench and waited for her.

Marinette was running across the street as she spotted Adrien on a bench. "Hey." She smiled panting slightly. "Sorry I'm late. I had to run here." Marinette admitted sitting next to him.

"Marinette I could have picked you up." Adrien said putting his hand on her lap.

"I know, but I didn't want to cause any trouble." Marinette said smiling cutely at Adrien.

This is why I don't want to find my string. If it isn't in that ball I will be devastated, Adrien thought. "Your not trouble, Mari." Adrien said putting his hand on her cheek. He slowly leaned in and their lips softly kisses.

"We should go." Marinette whispered before kissing him again.

"Okay." Adrien said standing up and grabbing her hand helping her up.

"Time to find your string." Marinette smiled holding his hand.

"I guess it is." Adrien said with a fake smile. He wished so much that the string was in the ball.


Cliffhanger! Let me know what you thought about the chapter!

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