Chapter 8: The Day

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So you guys remember how I was an emotional wreck? Well, Alya helped me with that so now I am more like 20 percent emotional wreck instead of 85 percent. Thing is now I'm 70 percent nervous wreck.

This stupid string. What if it's not connected with him? What if it's connected to Chat Noir instead? I don't know wether to say anything because of him, but if he suggests it, it obviously means he isn't interested. Right? Besides I've liked Adrien for a while. This is something I need to do.


School was about to end. They had about an hour left. It was a Friday and Marinette decided to tell him then because of it didn't work out, maybe he would forget over the weekend.

She kept twirling her string around, watching as it made all of the other strings bounce through the air.

Eventually the bell rang and they got out of class. Adrien was waiting for Marinette, as he was waiting for her for the last week since she told him as Chat to ask him out. He tried to make it not obvious by doing homework in the library. Marinette noticed his change in leaving and realized he was staying after school for a while and she assumed it was for help with his studies.

"Girl, you got this." Alya said putting her hands  on Marinette's shoulders making her jump.

"Alya, I don't know." Marinette said as she was pulled forward by her string. She shook it off and played it as if she was walking forward.

"Well I believe in you." Alya said sincerely. "I have to go now, but good luck. Okay?" She said putting her thumb up.

"Okay. Thanks for the help." Marinette said hugging her best friend.

"Anytime, girl."  Alya said hugging her back. She then left and Marinette waited by the front exit of the school.

She waited.
           And waited.
                      And waited.

She was so nervous that it felt like a lifetime, but it was only 5 minutes. She sat on the step under neath the cover because it was raining.

She sat there testing her head in her hand with her elbow placed on her leg. She began to play with her string and think. What if all of this doesn't work out? What would I do with myself?, Marinette thought.

Adrien walked out of the library upset that Marinette never showed up. He wondered if her feelings changed because his didn't. His ride wasn't there yet and it was raining. He walked out and noticed Marinette sitting on the step. She looked upset.

He felt a tug of his string towards Marinette. He sat down next to her. She didn't realize he was sitting there because she was so deep in thought.

"Are you okay?" Adrien asked placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Ah!" Marinette jumped as she jolted to reality.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Adrien said quietly as he realized he always seemed to scare her.

"Oh no. Your fine. I mean- I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Marinette stuttered. We didn't practice this!, Marinette thought.

"So are you okay? You seem upset." Adrien said concerned.

"Not upset, just deep in thought." Marinette said searching for his string and noticing it as it floated through the sky.

"About what?" Adrien asked. He knew the answer, but he wanted to know her answer.

"You will think I'm crazy. Not that I am crazy though because I'm not." Marinette said trying to hard to seem cool, but failing miserably.

Adrien chuckled. "Well tell me. I promise I won't think your crazy." Adrien said kindly.

"Okay, well." Marinette stared. You practiced this Marinette! You can do it! Lady Luck, Lady Luck, Lady Luck, Marinette thought. "Would you like to see a movie with me?" Marinette asked squinting her eyes trying to wish she never said anything and hoping he would say yes.

"Why are your eyes closed?" Adrien asked trying to comfort her.

"Because I don't want to watch you reject me." Marinette said trying to hold back the tears that were coming. The emotional wreck part of her was quickly gaining percentage.

"Marinette I'm not rejecting you. We can go to the movies." Adrien said gently placing his hand on her shoulder again.

"I knew you would say- yes?" Marinette opened her eyes letting a tear escape. "You will go?" She whispered.

"Yes, Marinette." Adrien said nicely. "Remember the first day we met? It was a day like this one." Adrien said looking up at the rainy sky.

"You gave me your umbrella." Marinette whispered.

"I knew since then that you were a great person and that you would be one of my close friends." Adrien said looking at her sea blue eyes as they sparkled.

"That was the day I started liking you." Marinette said very quietly.

"What?" Adrien asked not hearing what she said.

"I uhh- still have your umbrella." Marinette smiled.

"Really after all this time." Adrien said surprised.

"It's a nice umbrella." Marinette joked. She seemed calm with Adrien. For once. He was soothing her and she became more comfortable around him even though her heart was beating out of her chest.

Adrien laughed as his car drove up. He got up. "I'll meet you at the movie theater tomorrow at 6. Okay." Adrien asked.

"That sounds perfect." Marinette smiled as she stood up. She watched as Adrien walked away and walked down the steps feeling pulled toward the limo, but not with as much force as usual. It was more of a suggestion by the string. One that Marinette was unknowingly following.

Adrien was sitting in the limo smiling. "Seems like your little girlfriend is now actually your girlfriend." Plagg said poking out of his jacket pocket.

"Not yet Plagg. She needs to know who I really am behind the model image first." Adrien said as he began to blush at telling Marinette who he really is under the flashing lights and strict rules.


I love this. I hope you love it too. I basically love all the ships. You have no idea how happy these stories make me and thank you for all you support. You guys are truly amazing.
You are awesome,

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