I Wasn't Meant to Fall in Love With You

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"Please don't leave." I mumbled into his shoulder. He couldn't leave. I knew this day had been coming but I never actually imagined it would. I never thought I would have to say goodbye to my best friend and the guy I was in love with. I never thought he would actually move hundreds of miles down the coast. I thought he would change his mind. I thought he would realise how much he was hurting me and persuade his mum to stay, but he hadn't. And now he was leaving, and I wouldn't be able to see him every day. He wouldn't be there to make me smile when I was upset. He wouldn't be there to hold me when I cried. He just wouldn't be there.

Jake and I had been best friends since we were born. Our mums were best friends as well, and lived next door to each other. I guess we were always meant to be best friends. However, I wasn't always meant to fall in love with him. I knew I was in love with him a couple of months ago, it suddenly all just clicked, but I had never told him. I would never risk our friendship, it meant too much to me. But now, now he was leaving; And I was regretting not telling him.

"Please." I croaked.

"You know I have to" He whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my skin, making it tingle.

"Why?" Was all I managed to respond.

"Don't ask me that." I heard the pain in his voice.

"Why not?" I almost yelled. My best friend was leaving and I wanted to know why. Why couldn't he say here? I knew it was because of his mums job, but there were other jobs. She knew how much I needed him. She knew how much I cared about him, yet she was the one taking him away from me. She was taking the guy I loved away from me.

I was being selfish, but I couldn't help it. I would do anything for him to stay.

"Because I don't know! Don't you understand I have done everything to try and change her mind! I tried everything so I could stay. I don't want to leave you. The thought of not being able to see you every day...." He trailed off, his voice breaking. I pulled away from him and looked into his tear filled eyes. "....It kills me. I can't imagine my life without you Lydia. You mean everything to me, I hope you know that."

His hand cupped my face and his thumb stroked away a stray tear. His touch made my skin tingle. I hated how I couldn't tell him how I really felt. I wanted to, so badly, more than anyone would ever know. My other best friend, Lilly, tried to persuade me to but I just couldn't because I knew him leaving would hurt so much more if I did. She was the only other person who knew I liked Jake as more than a friend.

"Then don't go. You don't understand..." I trailed off before I said too much.

"What don't understand? We are in the same position Lydia."

"No were not, because I..." I trailed off again. Why did this have to be so hard?

"Just say it Lydia." His hand slipped from my face and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. They fit perfectly together and I loved the feel of his hand in mine. If only he knew how much just his touch could affect me.

"I can't." I muttered, beneath my breath, but because we were so close he still heard it.

"Why not?" Confusion flicked in his tear filled sparkling blue eyes.

"Because if I tell you than this will be a hundred times harder. If I tell you, you will still leave and nothing will be the same again."

"But you don't know that! You don't know how I feel" He emphasised the last two words, like he was trying to hint something to me. But he couldn't feel the same as me. I mean he was perfect, his chocolate brown hair swept messily across his forehead, his blue eyes sparkled and contrasted against his golden tanned skin, and I was just me. Just plain, boring Lydia, he could never feel the same way about me.

"But I know you don't feel the same."

"How?" He questioned, "If you don't tell me, how will you ever know?" He continued.

"You don't even know what I'm going to say though. How do you know you will feel the same? How do you know that the thing I'm about to say won't ruin our friendship?"

"Because..... Please just tell me." He whispered, his eyes locked with mine. Why was he acting like he knew what I was about to say?

"I can't" I croaked, before running my eyes over his face one more time and walking away. However much it hurt, I knew it had to do it, because if I didn't I would have told him and that would be worse. At least I thought it would be.

I regretted not telling him every day since then. If I could go back, I would have told him. Then I wouldn't have been left wondering what if. What if I had told him? Would he have stayed? Would he have felt the same way? Would today be our two year anniversary? Would we now be the perfect couple, still in love? But I can't answer any of those questions, because I didn't tell him. And now, he was coming back to Lakeside, after barely seeing him in two years, and I was more in love with him than ever.

AN: This is a small beginning chapter, just to explain everything. Anyway I am hoping this one will be better than the last story, 'cause it kind of sucked.

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