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• Nico •

Percy scooped up Leo from my arms and placed him in a spare bed in my cabin, before pulling the blanket up to his chin.
"I'm going to head to my cabin. Come get me if anything happens," he said and I nodded, before he left and closed the door lightly. I crawled into my bed, which was a few feet away from where Leo was sleeping. I laid down, my eyes trained on Leo's sleeping figure. My heart ached for him, and I prayed to Zeus that one day he'd be happy.


Leo suddenly thrashed around, before he opened his eyes and sat up. I quickly got out of my bed and walked over to him.
"You okay?" I whispered and he looked at me, before falling back down onto the bed.
"Yeah. Just a nightmare," he murmured, his eyes trained on me. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" 
"Waking you up."
"I was already awake," I told him, watching as he nodded, his eyes fluttering closed. "Goodnight, Leo," I whispered, walking away quietly. His hand reached out and grabbed mine.
"Hmm, lay down with me?" he asked tiredly, his words slurred. I hesitated, but complied, laying down next to him. He needed someone right now, so I was determined to be that someone. "Used to do this with...with Jase when I had bad dreams on the...uh, the Argo..." he trailed off, before curling up to me, pressing his face into my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. "Love you," he mumbled, before dozing off.  
I decided that those words were reserved for Jason Grace.
Leo slept for a couple of hours, before he stirred awake again, blinking his eyes open. I could feel his long eyelashes against my skin and suppressed a giggle. His hands patted my waist, before he sighed.
"Sorry, I thought you were Jason for a second," he whispered groggily, his voice deep with sleep.
"What did you mean when you said you used to do this with Jason?" I couldn't help but ask, twirling one of his curls around my finger. He leaned into my touch a bit.
"Jason and I used to do stuff like this and...other things on the Argo," Leo admitted, his cheeks burning against my neck.
"While he was dating Piper?"
"Yeah, um...I told him we had to stop doing it until he broke up with Pipes and he told me he did, but..."
"He lied?"
"Yeah. I found out and told him we were done until Piper and him broke up and all of a sudden, he acted like it never happened," Leo said, his voice sounding sad.
"I knew this was more than the 'just-friends' kind of hurt."
"Mhm, sure."
"I'm a psychic, Valdez," I joked and he smiled against my neck.
"I bet."
"So Jason - and you, I suppose - like guys in some way?" I asked. Then I realized it was a totally stupid question because we were in the same bed, his arms were around my waist, his lips brushing against my neck, and my hand was in his hair. There's no way this would happen between straight people.
"Yeah, I don't know what I am, but...I don't know, gender doesn't really matter to me. I mean, if I think you're hot, I probably want to date you."
"Even if it was a guy?"
"Nope, I just had some 'friendly' kisses with Jason, but I don't like guys," he said sarcastically, causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.
"Have you ever had a crush on someone who didn't really look like a specific gender?"
"Just curious," I mused, running my fingers through his hair.
"Is there a word for that?"
"Yeah. Pansexual."
"Hm," he hummed, tickling my neck. He shifted a bit and moved his hand so that it was resting on the curve of my side. His hands were warm and his touch was soft. "I know Jason's definitely bisexual..."
"I knew it," I whispered.
"We all did," Leo chuckled. "I never knew there was anything other than gay, straight, or bisexual..."
"Oh boy, you have a lot to learn, then," I said. He hummed again and tangled his legs with mine, dropping his hand so it laid over my waist.
"You're a really good cuddler," he murmured, his voice starting to get distraught and sleepy. "Better than Jason."
"Wow, I should get a trophy," I mumbled sarcastically, feeling him grin.
"Thanks for staying here with me, Neeks."
"Before I tried earlier, I was thinking about how you make me want to stay alive. Then I realized you would probably just leave eventually. Get tired of me or something."
"Never," I whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of his head.
"I like you being here. I like this," he said, nudging his face further into my neck.
"Me too."
"Sing me a song?" he whispered randomly, his voice sounding tired. I knew he was about to fall asleep, just in the way his eyelashes were fluttering and his breathing was slowing.
"Now the night is coming to an end. The sun will rise and we will try again," I sang softly, rubbing his back with one hand as another played with his hair. "Stay alive, stay alive for me. You will die, but now your life is free. Take pride in what is sure to die." His breath slowed and his eyes fluttered closed, his arms instinctively tightening around me. "I will fear the night again. I hope I'm not my only friend. Stay alive, stay alive for me."
I stopped and pressed a kiss against his forehead, before laying my head down and closing my eyes, falling asleep next to Leo.

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