From the very begining ......

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Hi ...... my name is joly .Im 15 years old, the eldest of 3. I started my suffering from the teenage syndrome 2 years ago . If your 12 or younger then get ready for whats coming up next......

So start with being a teenager is alot of hard work ,because in these 6 years you must acomplish the following:
♡You must prove to your parents that you are trust worthy everything "basically"
♡In this journy of yours must discover who you are .....these questions will come to your mind :
¤Who im I??
¤what do I like ??
¤what do I love ??
¤what do people think of me ??
¤what will I study ??
All kind of questions
♡You will discover some creepy stuff happening to your body in both genders .
♡The most annoying things that could happen to girls especially are zits , blackheads ,whiteheads and other gross things that could approach your pretty little face of yours .

In this part youre youtube account is going to be filled with videos like :
¤How to remove blackheads easily
¤Removing zits and acne within budget .
Personally my pintrest accont is filled with natural masks and stuff like this

From a girl's perspective you will start to develop feelings to something called MAKEUP .speecking of feelings will start to have crushes and that kind of stuff this point of your life if you dont have a partner to survive with you these years (best friend ) ,then im sorry sister you need to find one ASAP.Because she can be a great help and supporter and worrior and defender against anything that bothers you and of course you will do the same to her .

I think im gonna rap it up for now ....because I have soooo much to say and discuss .....but that will be next time .
Please write to me in the comments ..tell me what do you think and if you would like me to complete ...because lets be honest ....I think most of us relate .Till the next time ;)

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