Chatper 6: This isn't Candy Land.

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There they stood before the wide gates of Orion. The steel bars which held open the gates were towering their heads as if reaching the sky but to no avail.

''Will you open the gates or will you keep staring at it?'' Emelya asked, finally breaking the silence. She was annoyed and extremely tired and dirty. Her new tank top was now basically rags and pretty much useless for all she knew.

''I'm trying to find the code of Orion, if you don't mind," Seth replied, obviously tired of her rather useless questions. He scanned the gate until he found a figure 8 and punched it in. This was his identification number ever since his mother, Fera passed away, leaving him with her lucky number. But Emelya need not know that. Seth took a second to breathe in the love he had for Fera and exhale the memories of her tragic death on the battlefield that left him virtually without a mother.

The gates flew open to present Emelya with the most amazing scenery she had ever seen. A vast platform ending on the other side of the parallel world she was on. Towers of buildings reached to embrace the skies and battlefields the size of the royal palace. She was beyond bewildered. It was more than she could digest. Not everything she thought was real but this was and it was beyond what she was able to appreciate. There she stood, gawking at the sight before her.

''Uhm ''will you start walking or will you keep staring at it?'" Seth asked, snapping Emelya out of her daze.

She scrutinized him from toe, then to his head where she caught him smirking down at her.

''That's very funny, Seth," she said flatly, not the least bit amused. She elbowed her way through Seth and marched on to an unknown path. Jogging behind her, Seth caught up with her.

''You stride here like you know the place," Seth remarked, eyebrows raised as he awaited the, probably sarcastic, answer she would deliver.

''Shut up. Lead the way then.'' She replied, annoyed at him. Smartass. At least he wished he was. Along a dark path, they went until they reached the palace of Erebus. Seth marched to the top where Erebus occupied his throne with a set of documents neatly pilled on the side table. Two gorgeous looking girls were seated to his side with paper shredders and gold platted ink filters.

She realised them immediately. The girls stopped their work to eye Seth with the most pathetic smiles on their faces. And Emelya couldn't identify the feeling but it was soon noted. She was jealous. She shot the two girls a death glare, one strong enough to shake the guardian of Death himself. Could you blame her? These girls were breath-taking, with long sleek blonde goddess hair and wreaths on their foreheads. They wore velvet cloth around their slim torsos and had faces that shone like the sun in the early hours of the day. They were out of this world, literally and she was nothing but dirty. But she realized she wasn't jealous because their skin glowed a significant colour of godlike bearings or that they had the most captivating eyes in the universe. She was rather jealous that they were drawn to Seth. Of all people, Seth. She denied her feelings of ever loving, let alone trying to have significant feelings for someone, but Seth... he was an incubus. Something from somewhere else, who had the power to charm people. But she refused to give in... She couldn't suffer anything other than physical pain again and of course, she had met him just yesterday!

Intimidated by her glare the angel-like creatures swiftly got back to work, fanning Erebus and scanning the yellowed papers.

''That's right'', Emelya breathed, secretly satisfied that their attention was drawn back to their work instead of the rather good looking, headstrong but seriously issued incubus who had almost driven her to insanity.

''Erebus,'' Seth said in a hoarse voice, sending chills down anyone in the room's spines as the echoes resonated across the massive gold area.

''Seth,'' Erebus replied, clearly displeased with Seth's rather condescending tone and lack of respect for the ruler of Orion.

''I believe you had asked me to bring back Ms Emelya Stone and I've done as requested.''

''Indeed I have. Bring her forward.''

Seth turned to Emelya with a look of urgency. With that, Emelya jumped forward, landing right by Seth's side.

''So, you are this Emelya I've been hearing about. The succubus in hiding on planet earth''

''Excuse me? Succubus?'' Emelya answered.

''Of course. You are a female. Succubus is the name.'' Answered Erebus.

''I'm sorry Lord Erebus, but you're saying that I'm a female incubus - a sexual creature who fornicates with men as they sleep but then here Seth comes and tells me I'm a human and a succubus - female, as you say. Now I learn that I am a complete succubus after all. So, my point is - in the end: Am I a sexual mythical creature, whose only destiny is to take over men's souls as I sleep with them as they indulge in their slumber?''

Seth let out a soft chuckle.

''You'll laugh at your trouble later," Emelya whispered under her breath for only Seth to hear. Upon hearing that, he composed himself.

''No, my child. You are now to be referred to as a complete succubus although my son, Seth here has been labelling you half of what you're worth. See.. he never did give information at a correct standard.'' Erebus looked down at Seth. "Seth, learn about it before you worry and spread the wrongs further. We have Pheobe to worry about, not your responsibility of learning your role."

''You can say that again'', Emelya remarked.

''And no, you do not perform disgraceful things. You are here to join the pack of incubi as well as succubi. Our world is being attacked by the nearby Phoebe whose ruler is a former incubus who goes by the name of Tryon.''

''Yeah, that's terrible.''

''He's been trying to conquer all worlds in his reach and up till now, five have already gone through the terrors which we will soon face as the forces approach us. Our fellow worlds attacked were Saphire, Hernathis, Beatrix, Foresaint and Aristophe. We are eager to save our world, Orion and put an end to Tryon.''

''Erebus that's-'' Seth was cut off.

''Lord Erebus, Seth. Have you no respect?'' Emelya said as she punched his left side.

Tightening his jaw as he was seriously annoyed at how inexperienced she was, he took a deep breath and spoke yet again.

''Lord Erebus," he said, shifting his gaze to Emelya as she nodded in satisfaction and then back to Lord Erebus who was still sitting on his majestic throne, his papers, still by his side in a neat pile. ''I have got the rest of this covered. I shall proceed to your wishes as planned and explain the drill to Emelya. She'll be ready for battle, as will the rest of us, in no time.''

''I am pleased to be hearing of positivity, Seth.''

''As am I. May we be excused so as to proceed without further adieu?''

''Very well.''

With that, Seth turned on his heels and walked out leaving Emelya to, once again, follow him desperately.

They didn't utter a single syllable until Emelya was in the tower in front of her assigned room.

''Seth, is there a problem?'' She asked, leaning against the steel door, with her hands crossed across her chest. There was an angered yet sad look in Seth's eyes.

''This is your dorm, Emelya. You need not be going on excursions or wandering about the place at any inconvenient hours as it is far too dangerous for you. You are inexperienced, this I'm sure. And I need not be looking high and low for you when you are needed. Okay?''

''Okay,'' Emelya answered, lacking truth in her tone and having a hint of amusement.

'' You never answered my question, Seth,'' Emelya said. There was something about Seth that she couldn't figure out. He had a past, that's for sure, but she couldn't wrap her head around it. He was surely something else. This succubus thing was taking a long time to sink in as it didn't half feel like there was a battle awaiting or that she wasn't a human.

''Well, then, no, there's no problem. Goodnight Emelya Stone.''

With that, she turned around, opened the rather heavy door, stepped inside and locked it shut as Seth himself, turned his heel and headed to his office.

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