Chapter 1: One Step From The Edge

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She lay in bed, blinking back the iridescent tears brimming her orbs as she contemplated her miserable life. She used to be so happy, albeit quiet and shy - life was much simpler.

She always wondered why she felt like there was a missing part of her just scratching at the surface and never getting through; someone else inside of her begging for recognition, which in turn turned to her negativity. It was all surreal but on the other hand, somewhat assuring.

'Why is life so hard?'. A lingering question she asked herself all the time. Why was it, actually?

Her greatest weakness was trapped behind an escalating wall of pride she had built herself upon and the consequences of such stubborn, head-strong actions were the cause of the large amounts of pain and depression she suffered from each and every dreadful day.

She hated the sunlight and she hated the moon. Hate, you say? Yes. Hate- A powerful word, one filled with dominance and spite; one created to inflict verbal pain upon the opponent. As well as stating her excessive dislike, or hate for the sun and moon. After all, we were all bestowed upon this earth by nature, conceived from a mother's loving womb and served to the world for a purpose - an unknown, frightful, yet, significant purpose.

Adam and Eve weren't real... Adam and Eve weren't God's examples for the human law of existence either. They were but mere characterisations imposed on a nature-filled setting where the act of persuasion, temptation, human responses and sins were all portrayed as one big parable; solely a chapter in the bible to demonstrate the possibility of guilt and regret. Surely, this chapter was one of deep contemplation.

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