2e {The Boy With Black Hair and Green Eyes}

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I hung up the phone.

I instantly smack myself in the face numerous times.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." I mummer to myself. Why did I have to say that? Why couldn't I just say I was at a friends house and that I was sorry. But no.

I had to be sappy and say everything probably overwhelming poor Michael. I sigh and plop down on the side of the sidewalk. I frown and put my head in my hands. I hear a car drive up.

"Need a ride?" I hear a familiar voice say. I sigh looking up.

"You're such a douche." I say shoving a bit of my ice cream into my mouth.

He walks back to the table with ice cream in a bowl with whip cream and sprinkles on top. I roll my eyes. Fatass. He sits down in his seat and looks at me.

"Look. I'm sorry." Jaylen says looking at me with he hazel eyes I used to melt for. Not anymore. I'm really pissed right now and he knew the only to keep me from killing his ass was to get me ice cream.

"Jaylen, for fuck sake I spent $16.99 on your food plus tax!" I say throwing my arms in the air and dropping them dramatically.

"Wait. You're only mad at me cause you spent money on the food and not because I cheated on you?" Jaylen asks.

"Well duh. Food first." I say as if it's the most obvious thing ever. He laughs.

"Only you Carter. Only you."

I slap Jaylen.

"What?" He wines rubbing his cheek.

"You thought I was gonna be your girlfriend again after you cheated on me for months! Are you fucking stupid?" I whisper yell at him as we're still in the ice cream parlor and I don't want to make a scene.

"You said you weren't mad." Jaylen says. I roll my eyes and look around. My eyes land on the mystery ring I found on my hand when I woke up.

None of the boys know where it was from. Not even Eli knew. I just wish I knew where it was from. My eyes flicker to a guy with black hair and emerald green eyes.

He is the most handsome guy I've ever seen. His eyes come in contact with mine and they widen his eyes flash with something.

He stumbles out of his chair and gets up to leave. He hurries towards the door.

I need to talk to him. I feel like I know him.

Like we're more than strangers.

Like we're

Meant to be.

Just a small filler.

14b Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora