1a {Shit Eli}

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Carter Above ^

"It's just you and me now Carter." Luke said holding onto my stuffed penguin named Gray.

"But I don't want to go." I told him sniffing.

"Flight 14b to California now boarding."

"Now it's just you, goodbye Carter." Luke said handing me Gray and walking away.

"No I don't want to go Luke! Luke please!" I cried out, my voice cracking at the last two words I ever said to Luke. A flight attendant came to take the six year old me to board the plane.

I watched as his lanky body slowly blended with the crowd in the airport.

I felt a hot, wet tear slide down my face. The flight attendant gently grasped my hand and lead me onto the airplane.

"Where am I going?" I ask the flight attendant. She wouldn't answer. She just gave me a sympathetic smile and brought me to my seat. At that moment I knew, I would hate that smile forever.

I soon dosed off into a dreamland where I was still with Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton eating pizza and playing video games.

I woke up and the flight attendant led me off the plane. She took me to an old lady and the old lady led me to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask her.

"A very special place called an orphanage." She answers cheerfully giving me a smile, that same smile. The smile I hate.

But I don't want to go to an orphanage I want to see Mickey and Luke. They're probably going on tour again, they'll pick me up when tour is done. I thought with my lip trembling and eyes puffy as I placed my head against the cold car window and fell asleep.

10 Years Later


"Carter wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw Eli shaking me awake.

"What the hell Eli? Who wakes someone up at this ungodly hour." I ask.

"You mean twelve in the afternoon?" He asks.

"Twelve? Shit Eli why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He just rolled his eyes in response and closed the door.

I got up from my bed and hugged Gray my penguin, the only thing I had left of them. I put on my glasses and my bracelets.

As I stared into the mirror I took in my image. Brown curly hair, greenish brown eyes, and my mixed skin that resembled the kind of coffee I got, not too much cream but not too little either.

My mom was white and my dad was black so I came out like a mess. I just wished I had my moms hair.

I remember when I was younger everyone used to stare at me when Luke and I went out in public together. Because we weren't the same skin color. Not everyone has to be blonde with blue eyes.

I decide not to wear makeup. Too much energy, time, and money. All things I didn't have. I go to my closet and pick out a shirt and some jeans. It's not that hard to find an outfit.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and used the bathroom.

I put on my favorite Pokémon shirt, along with a black hoodie, skinny jeans, and my black and white converse. I walked downstairs and lined up with everyone else waiting to be adopted.

14b Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ