2d {Peter Piper}

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Thank you so much for everything.💕

Ashton was right. Writing songs did make me feel better. The boys begged to hear them but I always refused. Tonight I think I'm finally going to play it for them, but I needed to do something first.

I knock a pattern onto the front door of the house, swinging back and forth on my heel as the chilly wind picked up. I shivered snuggling into my wool jacket.

"Coming!" I hear two voices shout from the other end of the gigantic mansion. I hear soft giggling and feet slapping on the tile floor.

"Let me open the door!" "No me!" The two voices yell from in front of the door.

"MOM!" The two voices yell. I sigh. This is going to be a long night.

After ten more minutes of waiting outside freezing to death the door finally opens. I sigh in relief, a couple more minutes of this and I would've had frostbite.

"Oh Carter! Honey come in before you get frostbite. Dear heavens if I had known they never opened the door you would have. Come in come in." Mrs. Sandro says as she pulls me inside.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asks as I take a seat on the L shaped couch.

"Yes the usual please." I answer. She nods preparing my hot chocolate.

"Did you come to see Peter dear?" Mrs. Sandro asks.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Carter ever since you were in forth grade I've always told you to cal-"

"Call you Silvia I know I know." I finish for her.

After we finish talking and I finish my hot chocolate I walk up stairs to Peter's room. I knock on the door and open it. As I walk in I hear the playlist I made on his phone playing.

"If you aren't my best friend Carter I don't want to see you." Peters says groaning with his face in his spongebob pillow.

"Well you're sure as hell lucky today cause it is your best friend Carter." I say smiling. Peter's head shoots up like and arrow with a big grin on his face. He gets up as fast as he can almost tripping on his blue rug and gives me a bone crushing hug.

"How ya doing Peter Piper?" I laugh and tease him with the nicknames from fourth grade as I punch his shoulder.

"Here." I says giving him a kiss. He smiles wide with a hint on nostalgia in his face.

"So does this mean you forgive me?" He asks.

"Of course silly. What would I do without my best friend." I laugh wrapping my arms around him. He hugs me back tight. He reaches in his pocket and gives me a kiss.

"Why thank you kind sir." I say in a posh accent.

"Cheers to friendship!" We say simultaneously as we clink our Hershey kisses together.

As we unwrap our kisses as the song Chocolate by The1975 starts to play. We look at each other for a second and we start laughing.

As long as I have my Peter Piper back I'm happy.

"Carter!" I hear two voices squeal.

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