Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I would like to delicate this chapter to @fangirlingri. She will get what I am talking and I know that if this ever happened to me she would be there for me if it did!


"Hey Veronica," Alex said while at the same time trying to weave through the crowd and balance a lunch tray. He had approached me with the ohmigod I am talking to someone who is sorta popular. But honestly, why does everyone think that? I have a couple of good friends but we aren't that social around other people. I want people to think of me as a hair and fashion loving book geek. That is what I really am. So anyways...

"Hey, I was wondering if we could start tomorrow because I have to take my test later today. Is that okay with you? I don't mind where we study though. I honestly don't care." I hoped that didn't sound too harsh. Now that I was looking more carefully at him I could see that he actually was kinda cute. Shit. This is not like me to admit that about someone even in my head or to be talking to myself.

"Oh, you could come over to my house. My mom always gets home late and never minds if I have someone over. I mean only if it is okay with you." Damn why was it so hard for him to talk around me.

"It is totally fine with me. Can I have your phone? I am going to give you my number. We need a way of communicating in case one has to cancel at the last minute." He looked like I just gave him a million dollars. He opened his mouth like he was going to protest, but then closed it and handed me his phone. 

"Okay. Thanks I didn't think about that." 

"No problem. I just don't want to fail this class."

"Don't worry! With me there you will become a genius!"

"Cool. Thanks so much for helping me with this. Oh," I almost forgot, I hate it when people call me Veronica. "Um... Just call me Ronnie, please."

"Oh sure... Ronnie." He turned away before I could say anything else with a smile on his face. I hadn't realized we were standing right in front my table so I just sat down.

"Damn. What's with the hottie?" Sam asked wiggling her eyebrows. I had just sat down and she couldn't give me more than a minute.

"He's my new tutor." I mumbled. She wouldn't be happy because she always spends all her spare time over at my house. That would have to change now.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't ask." And then we just ate in silence.




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