Chapter 2

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I woke up with a major headache. When I sat up I saw two very blurry faces. When I jumped the two figures bounced to their feet and helped me get my glasses. I couldn't tell who they were. They both had dirty blond hair, green eyes, a smile on their faces, and were about the same height. When I put them on I see that the two figures are just my dumb ass brothers. 

"Are you okay? We didn't mean to startle you." Caleb said. Since it was him saying that, I could forgive him, but if it was Cameron...

"Yeah, I just have a major headache. What time is it? I have a half term test at 9:00," I was praying for an that I still had at least ten minutes to get to class on time.

"Oh... It is 10:00. I'm so sorry." Cameron said and he truly did look sorry.

"Shit," I cursed, "I will need a tutor now so I can make this test up." Then I grabbed Cameron by the shoulders and shook him hard. "You know how much my grades mean to me!" Then I grabbed Caleb. "Fix this!" I screamed. They both looked stunned and I couldn't help but feel bad.

"I'm sorry, I know that  you were just trying to help" I admitted. Even though I apologized I still felt bad. That's when I got the mastermind idea. "Hey can you call the school  and tell them that I have the stomach flu?" I asked innocently. I even batted my eyelashes to add to the effect.

"Why?" Cameron asked.

"So then I can make up the test tomorrow. People can only do that if they are sick."I said sweetly like I was talking to a baby. When I reached over to ruffle his curls he swatted my hand away. I was grinning like a maniac. 

"Stop," he growled and shot daggers at me through his eyes. My grin grew even bigger.

"Please just go call the school for me. Pretty Please?" I begged with my best puppy dog eyes. 

"Okay will do," Caleb said. I told him the number and at the end of the call I let out a sigh of relief. I had been spared for the day. I felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. It felt good to not be guilty for once. 

"So... What do you guys want to do today? We could start planning the party or we can take the day off and relax."

"Lets start planning, but first I gotta post the pic I took of you sleeping." Cameron said.

"Cameron," I said in a sweet voice, Then changed to a way harsher voice, "Gimme that phone before I scream and say your a thief!" When he just chuckled I jumped out  of bed and tackled him. When he finally lost his balance I snatched up the phone and deleted it from existence. You might remember that I was a girly girl, but I loved to play soccer and tackle things. 

"Ugh... I was going to use that as black mail." he complained. I grinned knowing that he didn't have anymore blackmail.

"So can we start planning, please?" Caleb always knows what to say at the right time, because at this Cameroon started jumping up and down like a little teenage girl. Why did I have the feeling that this was going to end badly?


"Hey Veronica, Can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Murphy is our math teacher. Whenever he asks to talk to you, it is never good.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Oh shit, I just remembered something.

"No, but seeing you were sick yesterday you have to stay after school to make up your math test."

"Oh." That's when I realized that I was holding my breath. "Sure." 

"Thank you. I knew you would understand." When I started walking out the door, I saw someone waiting. "Oh and Veronica?" I spun around. "This is your new tutor, Alex." The boy at the door did a silent wave. 

"Hi I'm Alex. We can set up times to study whenever you want. I don't mind." He seemed pretty nice for a math tutor.

"Hey, Can we talk about it over lunch? I have to get to my next class." I just wanted to get the fuck out of that room. 

"Sure." Even though he looked a little deflated I went without another word. 

When I walked in to my next class, art, Mrs. Johnson wasn't there yet so I sat down quietly next to my best friend, Sam.

"Hey, are you okay? You were sick yesterday and now you are lateish." Sam was the kind of blond girl that had a soft voice but when you mess with her friends she gets mad and she has no filter to her mouth. When she gets excited she throws whatever is in her hands at somebody.

"Yeah. I'm fine, but I was late because Mr. Murphy had to remind me that I had a test to make up and I had to meet my new tutor, Alex." You should have seen her face because it was the most shocked face ever. She looked like she just came back from the mall and someone had just puked in her new Kate Spade purse.

"Wait... So your telling me that because you missed one test means that you have to get a tutor? Is he crazy?" said Sam. During the last part he voice rose up many octaves that some people turned around in their seat to listen.

"Um... Yes?" I hadn't meant it to sound like a question but it did. Just then the door slammed open and Mrs. Johnson came in.

"Good morning class! Sorry I am late. Today we will be starting the project we have been talking about. Okay, when I call your name stand next to the partner that I assign you." As she started to call out pairs I sat back in my seat. 

Today is going to be a long day.




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