Untitled Part 22

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"No," Bella said, wiping a strand of hair from her face.

"What's happening?" Billy Black asked.

"Last we left, Hawkeye was about to fight Father, and Edward was helping her." Al said.

"I saw Alice and Jake fighting Gluttony, and Ed and Leigh fighting Envy." Bella said.

"And I saw Mustang and Charlie fighting Victoria." Seth said.

"Is Ed ok?" Winery asked anxiously.

"He looked just fine. I just hope my Edward is ok."

"I don't think we have to worry about Lust and Gluttony," Armstrong said coming up. "I just saw them running the other way."

"Major, where have you been?" Al asked.

"Around. I'm helping the medical team, since we're short medics."

"And so am I," added his sister, coming up.

Meanwhile the battlefield looked more like a graveyard then a battlefield. Along with Envy and Sloth, more then half of the vampires were killed. Scar had

certainly done his part. When Mustang and Charlie got up by Father, Edward Cullen was fighting him the best he could. Hawkeye was on the ground holding her


"I'm fine," she said as Mustang went up to her.

Just then, Edward skid backwards after a collision with Father.

"Take Hawkeye to the medical field and protect Bella." Charlie instructed him.

Without arguing, he did as he was told.

"Finally, you show yourselves." Father said with a sly grin.

"I hoped, I would kill all of you during this battle and get the stone. Since the suit of armor has disappeared, that may not happen. Oh well. Though if I kill you

two, that almost makes it up for me."

"Not happening." Mustang snaped his fingers.

Behind him, he heard a loud gunshot from Charlie's gun.

"Missed me," Father crowed happily to Charlie.

Meanwhile, Victoria, Ed and Leah were arguing.

"Give me the stone Victoria, and then we'll leave you alone." Ed said, reaching out his hand.

"What's so special about this little stone?" she said, fingering it.

"It doesn't affect you," Ed said. There was no way he was going to tell anyone else about the stone.

"No." She said, putting it under her shirt.

"Fine then, just tell us where you got it," Leah said.

"James gave it to me."

"Where did he get it?" Ed asked. He was beginning to lose patience.

"I don't know. Where's that human, Bella?"

"Why should I tell you if you won't give me what I want?" Ed said.

"Very well," she said with a sly smile. "Then I'll just have to force it out of you."

Meanwhile, Aro joined Jasper and Riley.

"My name is Aro, and I'm head of the vampires," he said, extending his hand.

"Thus I must ask you to stop fighting and come with me," he said to Riliey.

"I won't. I fight for my love, Victoria." He said proudly.

Jasper rolled his eyes with a sigh.

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