Untitled Part 21

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Ed and Leah finally reached Victoria. "More beasts?" she said, recovering from a shot from Charlie.

"Good, you two distract her while Charlie and I go switch with Edward," Mustang said. At the sound of his name, Victoria hissed.

"This should be interesting," Ed said, changing his arm once again.

Meanwhile, Emmett passed by Alice and Jacob.

"Looks like you can use some help," he said to his sister.

"Two on one isn't fair," Lust purred, getting up and tracing her finger on his face.

"I see why they call you Lust," he said with a smile,

"But my Rose is prettier." She then lunged towards him, and the two instantly began to fight.

Alice and Jacob looked at each other and nodded. They both agreed - how they read each other's minds they didn't know - but both knew

they had to finish Gluttony immediately in order to help Emmett.

Before anything else happened, a wolf leapt in to help them.

"Thanks, Sam," Jacob said.

"I will eat you both," Gluttony said, rolling at them in a ball. That was their only chance; Jacob quickly transformed and caught the big ball

in his mouth.

"Gluttony!" Lust yelled, lunging forward and knocking Jake off his paws. Before anyone could do anything else, Lust quickly fled with her

partner. Jake and Alice almost ran after her, but were stopped by vampires.

Aro and Sloth kept going at it, obviously matched in strength. They would have kept going, but Scar came up from behind and

electrocuted Sloth. After a few seconds of stunned silence, Aro said,


"I didn't mean to miss you," Scar said with a smile, before turning to fight more vampires.

Aro stood for a few minutes, mourning his brother's death before making the decision to go help with father.

A few feet over, Jasper found himself face to face with Victoria's new mate, Riley.

"She's using you," Jasper said quietly.

"No she's not."

"Believe me I was in your shoes once. She's using you." Jasper said.

"SHE IS NOT!" Riley yelled before lunging at Jasper.

About two miles away, Seth, Bella and Al got to the medical camp. "Are you hurt?" Winry asked anxiously running up to them.

Thans again to Junie and Loony for editing

The search ContinuesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora