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Ed, Al and Leigh all felt better after talking to Izumi. While turning to go in, they saw Hawkeye, and Edward with Bella on his back, all

leaving for their post.

"You two go in - I have something to do," Ed said to Leigh and Al.

"Ed -" Leigh started.

"I don't want to run into that man." He said, and Leigh nodded reluctantly.

Ed ran off and found exactly what he was looking for. Victoria.

He approached her slowly. She turned from talking to her army officer.

"What's a lonely little boy here for," she cooed, "You're here to join my army?" She asked.

Ed, choosing to ignore her comment, continued. "That's a nice necklace."

"Oh, this?" She asked holding the stone-embedded necklace up, "I was given it by my lover, James," She said carelessly. "He said it was


'Give it to me, and there will be a lot less trouble for you." he said.

"Is that so?" she said, twirling the necklace with her fingers. She seemed amused by Ed's fierceness.

"Please," Ed said, "I just want to look at it and then I'll give it back to you."

"No." She said, suddenly serious.

"It's your choice Victoria," A voice said from behind him.

"Aro!" Victoria and Ed said in surprise.

"Victoria, you need to hand over that stone, you don't know what it means." Aro said.

"No!" She screamed. She then lunged towards them and they both attacked.

Ed was shocked that she was not as powerful as he had thought. He was able to get two stabs in, but they did nothing.

"You're pretty powerful for a brat," She said with a smile.

"A surprise attack, I'm not surprised, Elric, Aro," A cool voice said from behind them, flames barely missing Victoria.

"I know Aro is a vampire, but who are the rest of you?" Victoria spat.

"I'm Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist."

"He's the enemy," An icy voice said from the side.

Envy and all the homunculi came from the side. Before Aro, Ed and Mustang could react, there was a disturbance from behind Victoria.

Lightning took down five vampires in one stroke. Victoria eyes went wide.

The search ContinuesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora