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It was the night before the battle and there was a meeting at the Cullen house. Mustang had made a chart and was telling

everyone his or her jobs.

"Before we start, our first and most important goal is to-"

"-Protect Bella," Edward and Jacob finished together.

"While that is important, our first goal is to make sure the homunculi don't get the stone." Mustang glared at the two.

"But what about Bella?" Jacob said angrily.

"Believe me, Jacob, if the homunculi get the stone, Bella's safety, along with everyone else's will be in danger."

"We don't even know if Victoria has the real stone," Ed pointed out.

"We can't take any risks." Charlie said.

"Now, the people who are not alchemists - which for right now, include Rosalie - are to fight the vampires. Edward and

Hawkeye are to protect Bella. Alphonse, I want you to help with the vampires."

"I can't help fight with Ed?" he asked.

"Not this time, Al. Sorry." Mustang said.

"Al, can you keep an eye on my little brother Seth?" Leah asked. Al gladly nodded his head in agreement.

"Aro, I am assigning you to Lust. Charlie you get Gluttony. Edward and Leah, I am assigning you both to Envy. Alice and

Jacob, you are to fight Sloth."

"But I was going to work with Jasper -" Alice objected.

"And I want to help protect Bella."

"No, I need you both to help with the homunculi. I also want you to both get used to working together. Armstrong, you will

fight Pride. As for me," he continued,

"I will be prepared to take on Father."

"Billy, you are going to run the first aid tent in the back. Now, before Father arrives, because I'm sure he won't come out right

away, Emmit you can knock out as many vampires as possible while I burn them. The same goes for you Esme, got it?" They

both nodded in agreement.

"As for you, Winry, I would like you to help Billy in the medical tent."

"Okay." she replied quietly.

"Are there any questions?" he asked.

"What about Scar?" Alice asked.

"He has his own agenda." Mustang frowned. "Anything else?"

When no one responded, he said, "Ok, now..."

Just then, Alice started to get a vision. When she got out of her trance, she looked very scared.

"What is it, Alice?" Jasper asked.

"The homunculi, they...they got the stone."

The rest of them went pale, even more so than normal.

"Alice, I want you and Jake to follow Victoria's scent. Aro you go east. Ed, west; Leah, south and Charlie, north. Armstrong

and I will stay around here if we hear of anything." He said tersely.

And with that, they all went off.

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